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Are COVID-19 Vaccines Safe For People With Existing Health Conditions?

With the COVID-19 Vaccination drive in full force across India and the globe, everybody has several questions. Moreover, since the vaccine has been around for only a short period of time, there are several questions that people have about it. In this article, we will answer some important questions with regard to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Should People With Existing Health Conditions Get Vaccinated?

This depends on their existing health conditions. COVID-19 has shown to have severe effects on people with certain health conditions including diabetes, liver disease, heart conditions, lung conditions and those who are aged. In such cases, the vaccine is considered to be beneficial. The vaccine does not eliminate the chances of getting the COVID-19 virus, however, it can reduce the severe symptoms that people might have when exposed to it.

Moreover, since the vaccine has not been out for very long there is no concrete evidence of its effects on specific health conditions. To ensure complete safety it is best to consult your physician before taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

Who Should Not Take COVID-19 Vaccine?

The following groups of people should not take COVID-19 vaccine:

  1. Those who are below the age of 18
  2. Women who are pregnant or lactating
  3. People with anaphylactic or allergic reactions to the vaccine
  4. Anyone who experiences a delayed or immediate anaphylactic or allergic reaction to vaccines, pharmaceutical products, food items or injectable therapy.
  5. People with a history of coagulation or bleeding disorders must be cautious when being administered the Covidshield vaccine. This includes people with thrombocytopenia i.e., abnormally low platelet count, clotting factor deficiency and coagulopathy. 

Make sure to contact your doctor before taking the COVID-19 vaccine if you have any of the mentioned conditions.

Who Needs To Wait Before Taking COVID-19 Vaccine?

The following groups of people must wait for a short period of time before getting vaccinated:

  1. SARS-COV-2 patients who are given the SARS-COV-2 monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma have to wait 4-8 weeks after complete recovery before getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
  2. People who have been severely unwell and/or hospitalized must wait 4-8 weeks after complete recovery before taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

Who Should Definitely Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The following groups of people should be prioritized and are strongly advised to take the OCVID-19 vaccine:

  1. Those who have a past history of SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or RT-PCR illness
  2. People with conditions that have been categorised as a comorbidity for COVID-19. This includes people with diabetes, heart conditions, lung conditions, liver disease, chronic diseases, cardiac, neurological, pulmonary, metabolic, renal conditions and/or malignancies.
  3. Those who have immunodeficiency, immuno-suppression or HIV. 

Is It Mandatory To Take COVID-19 Vaccine?

COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory in India. However, it is advisable that every eligible person should get vaccinated. Unless of course, they have medical conditions due to which they have been told to avoid the vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine is the best weapon we have at the moment against the raging pandemic and the high rates of infection and mortality. It may not prevent the COVID-19 disease in every person, but it will significantly lower the intensity of the symptoms of COVID-19.

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Can I Get The COVID-19 Vaccine While I Am Still Infected/ COVID-19 Positive?


In a nutshell, if you receive an opportunity to take the vaccine, it is best to take it. However, if you have health concerns that were not mentioned in the article or any further concerns make sure to reach out to your doctor before taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Furthermore, if you have health conditions that put you at higher risk of having severe COVID-19 symptoms make sure to get the vaccine as soon as possible.

You May Also Check: Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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