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All You Need to Know About Omicron Variant and Children

The omicron variant is the newest variant of coronavirus. Since children all across the world are largely still unvaccinated, they continue to be at risk of contracting COVID-19 at large. Whether the omicron in particular poses an increased threat or not, remains under watch. Read on to find more on this. 

Omicron Variant: All that is Known

The omicron variant was first detected in South Africa a week or so back. It was then informed to the whole world that a new coronavirus variant had emerged. There is still very limited information that is available on this new variant as it is very new and research is ongoing. Till now, it has been observed that the omicron variant spreads very rapidly. It has also been indicated that the variant might have originally originated in Europe and not in South Africa. Till now, there have been no deaths that have been directly linked to the omicron variant. While that is reassuring, it should not make one complacent as the emergence of a new variant at this point indicates that the pandemic is still very much active. The World Health Organization has stated that the omicron variant might not be more severe than the Delta variant. Nevertheless, WHO has stated the importance of staying alert and diligent according to the COVID protocols that have been implemented since the beginning of the pandemic, including vaccination. Simply relying on border control measures which might be undertaken by nations is not enough to keep everyone safe. 

All You Need to Know About Omicron Variant and Children

Omicron Variant and Children

Most nations across the world have not yet administered vaccines to their children. This leaves them more vulnerable and susceptible to the coronavirus and any new strains that it brings. In South Africa, it has been reported that the recent wave has seen a greater number of cases in children and young adults. There have been reports of severe COVID infections in children under 18 as well, although it has not been confirmed whether they were suffering from the omicron variant in particular. Since information on the variant is still very limited, there is no concrete information whether or not it is specifically causing a surge of cases in India.

What to do to Keep Children Safe?

Although vaccines are not available for children, it is available for adults. Therefore, the adults in the family should at least get vaccinated as soon as possible to prevent chances of carrying the virus to these children. For children, make sure they are always sanitizing their hands, wearing masks and keeping safe distance at gatherings. Of course, the best way to keep them safe is to keep them from going outside very frequently, however, try and keep them active with exercise and the occasional playtime to develop their immunity. If there are even the smallest symptoms of COVID, necessary precautions must be undertaken. 


Children are at an increasingly vulnerable position currently. Since they are young and might be unable to grasp the gravity of the situation, it is the duty and responsibility of the adults to take due care of them. The protection that they can provide for their children is largely preventative. Prevention is always better than cure anyway so parents must diligently ensure that children are kept safe from the infection, to keep them safe from contracting COVID at all, omicron variant or otherwise. 

Also read - How Did the Omicron Variant Develop?

Are the Symptoms of Omicron Variant Any Different?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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