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All You Need To Know About Niva Bupa Reassure Policy

The Niva Bupa Reassure Policy is a comprehensive and feature-packed health insurance plan that can be availed for individual policyholders as well as can cover their families. There are several types of benefits available under this plan including the most common ones such as pre and post-hospitalization costs, second medical opinion and more. It even provides benefits for policyholders who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. There are other exclusive features and benefits available as well.

All You Need To Know About Niva Bupa Reassure Policy

Eligibility for the Niva Bupa Reassure Policy

The following are the basic eligibility criteria that are required in order to purchase the Niva Bupa Health Insurance Policy.

Category Information

Minimum Entry Age

Maximum Entry Age 65 years with lifelong renewal available
Number of People Covered Up to 6 members of a family can be covered under this policy except for the children of the family
Minimum Cover Available Rs 3 Lakhs
Maximum Cover Available Rs 1 Crore

Features of the Niva Bupa Reassure Policy

The following are some exclusive features that can be found under the Niva Bupa Reassure Policy

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1. ReAssure Benefit

The ReAssure feature of the Niva Bupa Reassure Policy provides unlimited reinstatements for the same as well as different illnesses in a single policy year. This is hugely advantageous as it means that whatever claim has been made against the policy will be fully reinstated by the insurance provider even if it is for the same illness. This leads to unhesitant and hassle-free check-ups and treatments being availed. It especially helps those who have terminal illnesses to avail of treatment on a regular basis.

2. Health Check-Up

All members who are insured under this plan can avail of health check-ups that are facilitated by the health insurance plan. This is available from the very day the policy starts to become active. Since the waiting period for this plan is only 15 days, this is a swift health insurance plan. It is helpful for those who are looking for immediate health insurance assistance. 

3. Booster Benefit

The Niva Bupa Reassure Policy rewards policyholders for their good habits surrounding their health insurance plans. Under the booster benefits available with this plan, one can get a 50% increase in the sum assured in case they do not make any claims against their policy in a single policy year. This can go up to a maximum of 100%. In case a subsequent claim is indeed made against the health insurance plan, there is a reduction of 50%. 

4. Lifetime Renewal Facility

The maximum age to start this health insurance coverage is 65 years. However, that does not indicate that the insurance cover is limited to that as there is a lifetime renewal available. The policyholder can be insured under this cover for their entire lifetime with the renewal benefit available. Moreover, there are no extra or additional loadings required to avail of this facility. This is based on your claim history during the entirety in which you and your beneficiaries have been insured under the plan.


The Niva Bupa Reassure Policy is one of the most beneficial health insurance policies as it has many useful features present in it, some of which are common while others are unique to the plan. With up to Rs 1 Crore of cover available, it is certainly a hefty sum that covers individuals as well as their families during their lifetime. 

Also Read: Is IVF Covered In Health Insurance?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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