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All You Need To Know About COVID-19 Vaccines

The recent spread of the coronavirus disease has adversely affected people globally. Due to the spread of these contagious diseases, economies were shut down, day to day lives of the people were affected, lockdown was imposed and much more. A lot of people were diagnosed with COVID-19 and due to the lack of proper treatment and high cost of hospitalization, a lot of people lost their loved ones. Health insurance plans were supporters of the people seeking COVID-19 treatment in private hospitals as it helped the policyholders in compensating for the treatment. The initial spread of coronavirus was followed by the second wave of the disease which affected an even larger population. Then, various healthcare firms rolled out vaccines in a short period of time.

Massive vaccination drives were conducted by the governments of different countries for the protection of the people. But, there are several myths and misunderstandings that are going around regarding the use and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, which has been cleared all over the world by the respective healthcare experts. The vaccines for coronavirus were made during a short period of time and people like pregnant women, children, etc. are not allowed to take the vaccine as certain research is being conducted regarding the same.

All You Need To Know About COVID-19 Vaccines

How Does A COVID-19 Vaccine Work?

The vaccine against coronavirus disease is meant to develop the immunity of the individuals against the virus in our body. It builds the immunity of the individual and protects them against contracting the coronavirus disease. People receiving their first and second dose of vaccine experience body pain and mild fever which is the working procedure of the vaccine and it involves no risk. Medical experts have advised the population to maintain social distance and follow other precautionary measures for further protection against the COVID-19. Vaccines like Covidshield, Covaxin, Pfizer, etc. have been introduced around the globe for the protection of individuals against the deadly virus.

Must Read: Importance of Health Insurance During COVID-19 Times

How Many Shots of COVID-19 Vaccine Are Given?

Generally two doses of vaccines are recommended by the medical experts. The duration between the first and second dose differs from one brand of vaccine to the other. Other precautionary measures and details regarding the vaccine shots are informed to the patients by the hospital staff while getting vaccinated. The vaccine by Johnson & Johnson requires only one dose or shot. No delay must be made in receiving the second dose of your prescribed vaccine, as the duration has been determined after careful clinical trials.

What Are The Prominent Side Effects of The COVID-19 Vaccine?

After getting shots of the coronavirus vaccine, certain common and mild side effects have been reported by the patients. Side effects such as body pain, headache, mild fever, chills, tiredness, etc. are usually expected which must go away in a few days. Home quarantining is important along with the continuous usage of masks, hand sanitizers, etc.

Is It Necessary To Follow COVID-19 Guidelines After Getting Vaccinated?

It is very important for the individuals to maintain social distance and follow the other prescribed rules even after getting vaccinated by the COVID-19 vaccine. The dose of vaccine builds the immunity of the body to provide protection against the spread of the coronavirus but it does not reduce the susceptibility of the contagious COVID-19. Therefore, government guidelines and medical experts advice must be followed carefully by each and every individual.

Does It Provide Protection Against Different Variants of COVID-19?

Medical experts and researchers are unsure of the response of the vaccine against the spread of the possible different variants of the coronavirus. There is a possibility that you might get infected by some other variant of the COVID-19 virus which is as contagious as the current one, and therefore people are advised to stay at home and follow the precautionary measures to protect themselves and their loved ones.


You must not get caught off guard by the rising speculations on the effectiveness of the vaccine. You must trust the validation of the government and other verified healthcare firms and take the doses of the vaccine.

Also Read: Impact of COVID-19 On Kidney Patients

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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