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All About International No Diet Day 2024

Nowadays, staying healthy and maintaining the right body shape is something that all of us want. People who have an inappropriate body size or one that doesn’t fit the set standards are often looked upon. To adhere to such set body standards, people often go on a diet and lose important nutrients. International No Diet Day was started with this motive to promote acceptance of all body types.

All About International No Diet Day 2024

How Did International No Diet Day Start?

International No Diet Day started in 1992 when the British feminist, Mary Evans (director of ‘Diet Breakers’) wanted to raise awareness about the importance of the right diet and embracing all body types. Evans was suffering from anorexia which is a disorder that requires a restricted diet and leads to several nutritional deficiencies. Thus, people suffering from anorexia tend to lose weight which is unlikely as per their age and weight. It is due to this that Mary Evans introduced International No Diet Day in 1992 and since then every year, 6th May is celebrated as International No Diet Day. 

Symbol of International No Diet Day

The symbol for International No Diet Day is a light blue ribbon. With the use of this symbol, the aim is to promote ‘Health At Any Size’ and promote body positivity. 

What Should You Do on International No Diet Day 2024?

There are several steps that you can take to make International No Diet Day 2024 more meaningful. Here is all that you can do:

  1. Self-care: The first step is to embrace your own body and realise its beauty. This is because International No Diet Day aims at laying importance on all body types and negating the idea of the ‘right’ body type. Thus, encouraging people to celebrate the diversity of body types is important. 
  2. Focus on healthy meals: As the sole motive is to stay healthy and maintain the right nutritional intake, it is important to spread awareness about the same. You must educate people about how it is not right to skip meals and instead focus on the right kind of nutritional intake.
  3. Take breaks: You must take breaks even while you are exercising as well as when you are on a diet. 
  4. Don’t focus on immediate results: You should not focus on the results and instead focus on staying fit and active throughout. This will help achieve positive results in the long run. 
  5. Spread Awareness: Last, but not the least, you should compliment people about their looks as well as stop people from body-shaming. Doing so will help raise the self-esteem of individuals as well as put an end to weight discrimination, fatphobia, and others. 

Should You Buy Health Insurance?

No matter how healthy you are, diseases can still knock on your door. So, it is wise to stay protected and invest in the right health insurance plans. You can also explore several health insurance plans on InsuranceDekho and buy the right plan for yourself based on your budget requirements. 

Take Away

So, make International No Diet Day 2024 more meaningful by spreading awareness about the importance of staying healthy and inculcating body positivity.

Also read: Can a 75-Year-Old Get Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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