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All About COVID-19 Plans Offered By Liberty General Insurance

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are getting hospitalized, especially the ones with pre-existing diseases. Due to the increase in medical inflation, a lot of people have to meet the medical expenses from their pocket which is draining their savings and putting them into a financially disturbing situation. For conditions like these, it is crucial to have a health insurance policy. It not only provides monetary protection but also makes sure that you get quality treatment at times of an emergency. 

Liberty General Insurance is a company that provides customized and affordable health care policies for its customers. Liberty Health Insurance, like any other health insurance firm, designs comprehensive health insurance policies and has special plans for covering the expenses incurred during the treatment of coronavirus. Corona Rakshak Policy and Corona Kavach Policy are the plans that are exclusively designed to meet the requirements of the customers suffering from COVID-19.

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About Liberty Health Insurance 

Liberty Health Insurance offers cashless treatments, covers the standard expenses, and provides value-added top-ups to its policyholders for world-class quality service. After 2 years of continuous policy renewal, you get free health check-ups, regardless of the claims made under that policy. Let us look at some of the features of Liberty General Insurance:

  • The company has a network of 5,000+ hospitals for cashless treatment to its policyholders. 
  • The claim settlement ratio of the company was 94% in FY 2019-20.
  • Liberty Health Insurance provides lifelong renewability to its customers. 

All About COVID-19 Plans Offered By Liberty General Insurance

All You Need To Know About Liberty COVID-19 Health Insurance Plans

Exclusively for coronavirus patients, Liberty Health Insurance has designed some COVID-19 plans. The details of these plans are: 

1. Corona Rakshak Policy

Corona Rakshak Policy provides coverage to you and your family against the medical expenses incurred during the positive diagnosis of the COVID-19 virus. If the patient is admitted for 72 hours or more, then a lump sum amount of 100% of the claim insured is paid. The age limit for the policy ranges from 18 years to 65 years.

This plan is a short-term policy for a policy tenure of 3.5, 6.5, or 9.5 months. The sum insured under this policy ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2.5 Lakh. Under this policy, treatments other than COVID-19 are not covered. It does not include the charges for the testing done at a center that is not authorized by the government. Also, the plan does not cover the expenses incurred, if a person insured travels to a foreign destination that is under restriction by the Government of India. 

2. Corona Kavach Policy 

Corona Kavach Policy by Liberty Health Insurance is designed for individuals and their family members, to meet the expenses of their COVID-19 treatment. The family members can include a legally wedded spouse, children, and dependent parents. The tenure of this policy varies as 3.5, 6.5, or 9.5 months. It is a short-term policy cover, only meant for COVID-19 treatment. The sum insured under this policy ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 5 Lakh. The age limit for this policy ranges from 18 to 65 years. 

Corona Kavach Policy includes the road ambulance charges up to Rs. 2,000 per hospitalization. It provides cover for home care expenses up to 14 days to its policyholders. Expenses for AYUSH treatment, pre and post-hospitalization, and in-patient hospitalization are also covered. Under this policy, the claims made within the 15 days waiting period are not considered, and also, it does not pay for the daycare or OPD treatments. COVID-19 treatment which was diagnosed prior to the policy start date will not be taken care of. 

Must Read: How To Register For COVID-19 Vaccine For Above 45 And 60 Years In India?


Lakhs of people have lost their lives due to improper treatment and diagnosis during the coronavirus pandemic. Make sure that you and your family do not have to go through such mishaps because of financial burden, therefore, get yourself and your loved ones a short-term policy like the ones mentioned above by Liberty Health Insurance.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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