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Affordable Plans Offered by Universal Sompo Health Insurance

Universal Sompo Health Insurance is a tie-up between Indian Banks - Allahabad Bank, Karnataka Bank, and Indian Overseas Bank, an investment firm like Dabur Investments, and Japanese insurance company Sompo Japan Insurance Company. Universal Sompo is headquartered in Mumbai and Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc. is a leading insurance company in Japan. 

Universal Sompo Health Insurance is growing rapidly in India and setting a huge base of trusted customers within the subcontinent. The company started operating in 2007 and since then, it has been providing various benefits to its customers and meeting their needs. 

Affordable Plans Offered by Universal Sompo Health Insurance

Universal Sompo Health Insurance

In its developing phase, Universal Sompo Health Insurance company possesses set key features, which include: 

  • A network of 4,000+ linked hospitals for cashless treatment 
  • Universal Sompo Health Insurance has a claim settlement ratio of 70.75% in FY20.
  • The company offers lifelong renewability to its policyholders. 
  • It offers a waiting period of 4 years to its customers. 

Benefits of Universal Sompo Health Insurance Plans 

Universal Sompo Health Insurance company ensures that quality service is provided to its customers at an affordable price to meet the requirements of customers with all levels of income. Some benefits offered by Universal Sompo Health Insurance to its customers are: 

  • Cashless hospitalization over the wide network of hospitals 
  • Tax benefits are provided under section 80D
  • Pre and post-hospitalization expenses are also covered under their plans 
  • On selected plans, daycare procedures are also included 
  • A free-look period of 15 days is made accessible for the policyholders. 

Some Affordable Plans by Universal Sompo Health Insurance 

With the increasing health risks, it has become evident to purchase a health insurance policy. Universal Sompo Health Insurance provides exclusive benefits and coverage to its customers at a fair price. The company gives its customers numerous choices in plans to choose from. Some of the top plans offered by Universal Sompo Health Insurance are: 

1. Universal Sompo Complete Healthcare Insurance Policy

Under this policy, the company covers you and your family with various benefits like outpatient treatment, hospitalization expenses, etc. This policy comes in three different variants which include Basic, Essential, and Privilege. The sum insured in this policy can range from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 10 Lakh. Other value-added benefits are also included in this policy like organ donor expenses, pre, and post-hospitalization costs, etc. 

2. Universal Sompo Super Healthcare Insurance Policy

This policy comes in two different variants which are top-up and super top-up. It enhances your existing health insurance policy and gives you benefits. The sum insured ranges from Rs. 2 Lakh to Rs. 1 Crore. The policy tenure varies from 1, 2, and 3 years. 

3. Universal Sompo Individual Healthcare Insurance Policy

This policy cover is ideal for you or your family, as it protects you against the medical expenses incurred due to accidents. Individuals under 55 years of age are covered under this policy. The range of sum insured goes up to Rs. 5 Lakh. It offers certain add-ons like critical illness cover for the extra benefit of the policyholders. The extra expenses like hospitalization charges, domiciliary expenses, etc are also covered.

4. Universal Sompo Arogya Sanjeevani Policy

This is an affordable and feasible policy by Universal Sompo Super Healthcare Insurance. The plan covers AYUSH treatments and modern treatments like robotic surgeries. The sum insured ranges from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 5 Lakh for individuals aged between 91 days to 65 years. 

5. Universal Sompo Group Healthcare Insurance Policy

This policy covers the groups of employees in a trade sector, institutions, associations, etc. The entry age is restricted to 55 years for this plan. It has a maximum coverage of Rs. 5 Lakh and covers the standard features of most of the policies by Universal Sompo Individual Healthcare Insurance.

Must Read: How Health Plan of Universal Sompo Secures Health of Your Parents

Easy Ways to Pay premium for Universal Sompo Health Insurance Policy Online


For more details regarding the policies, it is better to contact the insurer. Universal Sompo Individual Healthcare Insurance, being a growing firm in the insurance market, might provide more extensive features and benefits in the near future, which you must keep an eye on. You must go through the documents related to your policy carefully. 

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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