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Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Aged Below 50 Years

The current situation within the country has made people aware of the fact that they should have a financial backup to ensure quality treatment at the time of hospitalization. This financial aid which you are looking for is provided by the health insurance policies as it offers financial compensation for the medical expenses incurred at the time of an emergency. You must invest in a suitable health insurance policy on time and choose the one that satisfies your requirements at an affordable price. These days the health insurance providers customize the policy covers to make sure that the customers demands have been met. Therefore, you must look into the policy-related documents to double-check the inclusions. 

There is a sea of health insurance policies that are available in the insurance market by various insurance providers. But, to narrow down your options you can choose the top ones and compare them using their features. This will help you to buy a health insurance cover that is not only effective but also comprehensive. 

Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Aged Below 50 Years

Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Below The Age of 50 Years

Let us look at some of the best-suited health insurance plans for the individuals below the age of 50 years: 

1. Chola Individual Insurance Healthline Plan 

This health insurance policy has an entry age limit of up to 65 years, and is best suited for people below the age of 50 years because of its wide coverage and availability of benefits in three different variants. It covers the OPD dental expenses under its Advanced option covers and offers benefits like daycare procedures, 60 days of pre-hospitalization, and 90 days of post-hospitalization expenses. A certain days of waiting period is applicable on the health insurance policies depending on the insurer. 

2. Kotak Health Care Plan 

It comes with a lifetime renewability option for people up to the age of 65 years. The assured sum of money under this plan ranges from Rs. 2 Lakhs to Rs. 100 Lakhs. This plan has no exit age and comes with various benefits like convalescence benefit, organ donor expenses, critical illness covers, etc. 

3. Liberty Health Connect Supreme Plan 

With a maximum age limit of upto 65 years, this plan comes with no restrictions on the renewability of the policy. The assured sum under this cover ranges from Rs. 2 Lakhs to Rs. 15 Lakhs. It offers no-claim bonus to its customers for each claim-free year in the policy tenure. It includes the medical expenses incurred due to the health check-ups and provides other benefits like daycare treatments, domiciliary expenses, organ donor expenses, and much more. 

4. Raheja QBE Health Insurance 

This health insurance cover comes in four different variants and is available for people up to the age of 65 years. It can be bought for both individuals and family as it has a sum assured ranging from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 50 Lakh. The company provides its policyholders the benefit of lifetime renewability of the policies. 

5. Royal Sundaram Lifeline Elite Plan

This comprehensive health insurance plan comes with no upper age limit for its customers, and can be purchased by people below the age of 50 years as it provides extensive coverage benefits. The assured amount of money under this plan ranges from Rs. 25 Lakhs to Rs. 1.5 Crore, and offers international treatment cover on over 11 critical illnesses. It offers other exclusive benefits like daycare procedure expenses, organ donor treatments, ambulance charges, OPD treatment charges, and a lot more. You can buy this policy to get extended medical benefits and you can purchase some add-on covers under this plan to avail more benefits at an affordable price. 


People below the age of 50 years should buy a health insurance policy as early as possible, because after a certain age the risk of contracting life-threatening diseases increases drastically, and you need to have some financial backup to support your savings. Also, buying a policy early helps you overcome the waiting period of the policy without any extra medical expenses. 

Must Read: Affordable Health Care Plans in India

Affordable Health Insurance Plans For Parents in 2021

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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