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Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Aged Below 30 Years

It has always been advised to invest in a health insurance policy as early as possible. The health insurance covers come with a waiting period of around 2 to 5 years, during which you cannot avail any of its benefits. Therefore, you must buy a health insurance policy as soon as you start earning that is in your 20s or 30s. Also, with the increase in age, the amount of premium on a health insurance policy also increases. So, if you buy a health insurance cover early, you can get it at an affordable price. Health insurance policies provide protection against the medical expenses that can incur due to hospitalization in case of an emergency. To overcome such situations without any monetary limitations and receive quality treatment, you must purchase a health insurance policy for yourself as well as your family. 

There are different types of health insurance plans that can be bought by the individual based on their requirements like senior citizen plans, maternity covers, critical illness plans, family floater plans, and a lot more. You can explore the options, compare them, and then invest in a suitable cover. Being the taxpayer, you can also avail benefits like tax deduction on your premium payments. 

Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Aged Below 30 Years

Benefits of Buying A Health Insurance Policy At A Young Age 

If you buy a health insurance cover before attaining the age of 30 years, then following is the list of benefits that you can avail: 

  • The health insurance covers for young people are cheaper and cost lower premium rates. 
  • There is a plethora of options to choose from, as with the increase in age the availability of suitable health insurance covers decreases.  
  • Buying a health insurance cover at a young age will help you pass the waiting period of the policy cover, which will make the cover available at your vulnerable age. 
  • There is a low rate of rejection for young people, as they are not at a risk of life-threatening diseases. 

Affordable Health Insurance Covers For People Below The Age of 30 Years 

Let us look at some of the widely bought and pocket-friendly health insurance policies for individuals below the age of 30 years: 

1. Max Bupa Health Companion Plan 

It is one of the perfect plans for young customers with an assured sum ranging from Rs. 7 to 10 Lakhs. It includes health check-ups, daycare treatments, family floater options, hospitalization at home, ambulance charges, restoration of cover, doctor-on-call benefit, pre and post hospitalization, etc. under its cover for the policyholders at an affordable price.

2. HDFC Ergo Optima Restore 

This plan can be bought for both individuals or family with an assured sum of Rs. 3 Lakh to Rs. 50 Lakh. This policy provides its customers with some of the exclusive benefits like auto-restore benefit, multiplier benefits, organ donor expense cover,  lifelong renewability services, and a lot more. It is one of the comprehensive plans which is suitable for young people with a wide range of covers. 

3. New India Assurance Floater Mediclaim 

This plan is available for the individuals with an age of 18 to 65 years and children with an age of 3 months to 25 years.  This plan offers medical expenses support for room rents, nursing expenses, ambulance charges, medical tests, and much more. To buy a plan for your child, one of both of the parents should also be covered under this policy. 

4. HDFC Ergo Optima Vital 

It is a critical illness health insurance plan with an assured sum ranging from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 50 Lakh. This plan covers around 37 critical disorders for medical coverage. Therefore, before buying this policy you must go through the list of the critical illnesses covered to make sure that your needs are included in the cover. It also provides the benefit of e-opinion under this policy which can help the policyholders. 


The above-mentioned health insurance policies are affordable and perfect for young customers as they offer a wide coverage. But, you must consider various factors based on your requirements before choosing a particular health insurance plan. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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