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Aditya Birla Health Offers Up To 100% Return of Premium With Its New Activ Health Policy

Aditya Birla Health Insurance, one of the leading health insurance companies in India, has come up with up to 100% return of the premium if the policyholder accrues adequate number of 'Activ Dayz' under its new policy Activ Health. The step aims to encourage its customers to lead healthy and active lives. 

The health insurance company will provide up to 100% health returns if the insured individual earns enough health returns by taking care of their health by being physically active on a daily basis. Aditya Birla Health will monitor the active lives of its insured through its Activ Health app.

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Quite recently, Aditya Birla Health Insurance had claimed that it is the only insurer providing up to 100% discount on the premium apart from up to 100% reload of the sum insured by means of its enhanced version of the Activ Health policy.

The new policy by Aditya Birla Health is an industry-first initiative, offering up to 100% health returns through incentive-based health and wellness programmes. The new policy will provide “comprehensive” health protection with extensive wellness benefits. 

It is to be noted that earlier in the month of February, Future Generali India Insurance had launched a health super saver policy providing a flat 80% discount on the premium in the consecutive years, on the condition of no claim by the insured in the first and the second years.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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