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Aditya Birla Health Insurance Earns Rs. 318 Crore and Aims to Attain 100% Growth in FY 2018-19

Within just three years of coming into existence, Aditya Birla Health Insurance (ABHI) has managed to earn a humongous gross written premium amount of Rs. 318 Crore. The figure is up by around 83%, over Rs. 172 Crore recorded in the same period of last fiscal. Having achieved the number, the standalone health insurer is looking forward to gaining double growth in the next year and even eyeing a break by the financial year 2022-2023.

When it comes to the health insurance industry, generally, any standalone insurer takes around 6 to 7 years to reach breakeven. On that note, the company is looking to be at the right pace and track. The company wants to present itself as a health partner and health influencer, rather than as a pure play health financing organization. To execute these strategies successfully, ABHI has made bancassurance associations with nine prime banks and indulged in increasing them too.   

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