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Add-On Covers to Choose with Parents Health Insurance

A health insurance policy is important for everyone, especially for the older generation. The older one gets, there is more risk for acquiring health problems which subsequently lead to higher medical expenses. It is also important for them to get treated readily. All in all, it is most pertinent for them to get a health insurance policy. 

Add-On Covers to Choose with Parents Health Insurance

What are Add-on Covers?

An add-on cover provides enhancement to the already existing base health insurance policy. It usually caters to a particular medical expense. On the addition of an add-on cover, a separate amount of premium needs to be paid. Add-on covers that are available, depend on the insurance policy. They are not available with the base insurance policy but need to be purchased separately.

Add-On Covers to Choose with Parents Health Insurance

There are a variety of add-on covers that can be purchased. Not all of them, however, might be fit for all circumstances. Here are some add-on covers to choose for your parents’ health insurance.

  • Cashless Hospitalization

A cashless hospitalization benefit is one of the best options available. With age, it becomes important to have access to immediate hospitalization to prevent the worsening of a condition. Under a cashless hospitalization benefit, the insured can directly get admitted to the network hospital of the insurance policy without having to pay anything out of their own pocket. The medical bills are directly settled by the insurance provider.

  • Critical Illness Cover

When elder people get affected with illnesses, it can become more dire for them in a short while. It is important for them, therefore, to get immediate and adequate treatment for their illnesses whenever they are diagnosed. Critical or terminal illnesses usually incur a lot of expenses and require immediate assistance to prevent them from getting worse. Therefore, such a cover will be extremely useful for parents.

  • Pre and Post Hospitalization Cover

Parents or older people in general require assistance when they are ill. Not only will they need medical care for when they are sick, but also before and after, especially if a case is as severe that it requires hospitalization. Proper pre and post care from hospitalization can help the treatment become comprehensive and therefore, serve the patient in the best way possible. With this cover, family members also stay hassle-free because they can get assisted even before and after the immediate treatment is over.

  • Ambulance Cover

For older people, there are more chances of falling sick suddenly and requiring increased assistance, almost immediately. Like the cashless facility, therefore, there are other emergency covers that might be required. Having an ambulance cover helps get immediate assistance with an ambulance, at the hour of need. With the ambulance costs covered during a hospitalization, one can be easily and immediately assisted to the hospital without having to wait unnecessarily. 


Having a health insurance policy is crucial for having a stress-free life. It is especially helpful for older people who require more assistance than others. Therefore, a well planned and comprehensive health insurance policy, with pertinent add-on covers can help keep your parents protected against all health-related contingencies. With add-ons you can enhance the protection that is available with a basic health insurance policy at a lower rate without having to go through the financial or documentation hassle of buying a brand new health insurance policy. 

Also read: 3 Health Insurance Plans That Can Help You Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Things You Didn’t Know Health Insurance Covers

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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