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5 Popular Health Insurance Plans In India- Check Benefits and Coverages

There are a plethora of options to choose from when investing in a health insurance policy. You can observe that there are various health insurance providers and each of them have a long list of comprehensive plans to offer to their customers at an attractive price. It can become quite confusing sometimes for the customers to choose a suitable health insurance cover as the benefits and features of a policy differ from one insurer to the other. The features of a beneficial health insurance policy include domiciliary expenses, inpatient costs, ambulance charges, room rents, medication expenses, healthcare checkups, and a lot more. 

There are so many leading health insurance companies that provide comprehensive plans to its customers with some unique set of benefits. You have to consider key points like your age, medical history, pre-existing diseases, financial budget, etc. before investing in a health insurance policy. You can shortlist the insurance companies based on your choice and compare them to pick the best health insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones. 

5 Popular Health Insurance Plans In India- Check Benefits and Coverages

Top 5 Health Insurance Plans To Buy In India 

1. Aditya Birla Activ Assure Diamond Policy

This is one of the best health insurance plans in the market offering comprehensive coverage to both individuals and family. Aditya Birla Activ assures diamond plan cover offers medical and hospitalization expenses of the policyholders along with the optional cancer hospitalization booster plan with room upgrades and pre-existing diseases waiting period. The waiting period of the policy covers differ from one plan to the other and it provides compensation for AYUSH treatments also. No claim bonus ranging from 10% to 50% of sum assured is offered for every claim free year within the policy tenure. 

2. Care Health Insurance 

Care health Insurance is a popular all-inclusive health insurance provider which offers exclusive health insurance covers to its customers at a negotiable price. The customers can avail daily allowance to meet their day-to-day medical expenses. Ambulance covers, daycare procedures, organ donor expenses, AYUSH treatments, tax deduction, and a lot more are the other perks that a customer can get being a policyholder of Care Health Insurance. Hospitalization due to drugs, alcohol consumption, suicide attempts, etc. are not looked after by the insurer. 

3. IFFCO Tokio Health Protector Plus Policy 

IFFCO Tokio health protector plus insurance policy is affordable and looks after the medical costs of high-cost treatments of injuries and chronic diseases. You can buy a top-up or super top-up plan to increase the benefits of your existing health insurance policy. People of age group 18 to 65 years can be included under this policy with an inclusion for the coverage cost of vitamins and tonics of the policyholder. Customers also get a fair choice of choosing the deductible option for the existing health insurance policy. 

4. Kotak Health Premier Plan 

Kotak Health's premier health insurance policy offers medical protection and value added benefits to its customers under an individual or family floater plan. The policy period can be for 1, 2, or 3 years and its family floater policy can include up to 3 adults and 3 dependent children in the family. Optional covers like personal accident, critical illness, maternity benefit, etc. are also provided to the policyholders at a good price with lifetime renewability of policies. 

5. SBI Arogya Premier Policy 

SBI Arogya Premium Policy is a comprehensive and popularly bought health insurance policy that includes air ambulance charges of up to Rs. 1 Lakh and maternity benefits after a waiting period of 9 months. The assured sum of amount under this plan ranges from Rs. 10 Lakh to Rs. 30 Lakh and it also offers compensation for modern and AYUSH treatments. Other expenses like room rents, consultation fees, dressing and nursing expenses, etc. are also looked after by the insurer. 


The above-mentioned are some of the widely bought health insurance plans in India. However, there are several other options to explore online and you can choose any one that is suitable for you and your loved ones. Make sure that you go through its terms and conditions to ensure the list of inclusions and exclusions. 

Also Read: Popular Individual Health Insurance Plans In India

How To Make Health Insurance Premium Payment Online?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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