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5 New, Unusual Covid-19 Symptoms Discovered

The CDC’s list of official symptoms of Covid-19 is growing day by day. Quite recently, doctors have discovered new, strange symptoms of the coronavirus disease. According to the experts, some of the symptoms have been noticed in cases reported in the past few weeks.

It must be noticed that the doctors are seeing a rise in the number of novel coronavirus cases with symptoms such as mouth ulcers, raised bumps, and rashes. Experts believe that inflammation of the tongue or any unusual changes could be a sign of worry. 

Doctors are also noticing a lot of people infected with Covid-19 complaining of swollen skin, fingers, and toes, which is also referred to as Covid fingers and toes. This new, odd symptom is a cause of worry as many people tested positive for the infection only experience this dermatological symptom during the infection course, thereby increasing the chances of getting misdiagnosed.

Sudden skin rashes or raised bumps is another early Covid-19 sign as observed by the doctors. Several case studies suggest that hives on the skin can begin from the soles, palm and then slowly spread on to other skin parts of the skin. In many cases, it can also result in acute swelling on eyelids and lips.

Abnormal blood clotting is an increasing side-effect reported by many coronavirus patients. It must be noted that the SARS-COV-2 virus can rapidly spread through the body, clot blood vessels as well as disrupt healthy blood flow through the veins.

PASC or Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection can result in lingering symptoms for patients for whom healthy recovery is extremely hard, believe doctors. 

You May Also Like To Read: Coronavirus Symptoms According to Different Variants

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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