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42% Frontline Workers Have Received First Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine

According to the latest reports, at least 42% of registered frontline workers in India have received their first dose of the vaccine against coronavirus. It must be noted that around 9 states in the country have been successful in achieving 60% coverage. Shedding light on the healthcare workers, out of those who received their first dose on February 2, 62% had been given the second shot till February 23.

As per the Union Health Ministry, the cumulative number of covid-19 vaccine doses administered to frontline and healthcare workers in India has crossed the 1.19 crore mark. Till February 23, 6pm, a total of 1,19,07,392 vaccine doses have been administered through 2,53,434 sessions as per a provisional report.

Overall, the beneficiaries who have taken the first dose include 64,71,047 healthcare workers. In addition, 13,21,635 HCWs who have received the second dose. Also, 41,14,710 frontline workers who have received the first dose. 

In India, the covid-19 vaccination drive started on January 16, however, the vaccination of frontline workers started from February 2.

According to the Union Health Ministry, 5 adverse events following immunisation (AEFIs) with regards to the first dose and 3 cases of AEFI related to the second dose of the vaccine have been reported till 6 pm on the 39th day of the novel coronavirus vaccination drive. 

The total number of 1,19,07,392 beneficiaries vaccinated had 5,82,966 from Bihar. While 4,68,145 were from Kerala, 7,20,392 were from Karnataka. 6,75,401 beneficiaries belong to Madhya Pradesh and 10,03,706 to Maharashtra. The total number of beneficiaries from Delhi was 3,41,283, while 9,01,400 were from Gujarat. 12,26,775 from Uttar Pradesh and 7,60,539 beneficiaries from West Bengal were vaccinated. The data is as per a provisional report.

Also Read: Does Covid Vaccine Provide Lifelong Protection?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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