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0.04% People Tested Covid-19 Positive After 2nd Dose of Covaxin, 0.03% After Covishield

Nearly 0.04% and 0.03% of people who had taken the second dose of Covaxin and  Covishield respectively have tested positive for Covid-19, as per the latest data released by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). 

According to Dr. VK Paul, a member of Niti Aayog (Health), the percentage of people getting infected with coronavirus after vaccination is very low. Moreover, he is of the view that even if people are getting infected after vaccination, it is not taking us to the path of severe disease. Besides, a systematic collection of data is being done. 

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In the Phase 3 trials, Covishield had showcased an efficacy of around 70%, while Covaxin had an interim efficacy of around 81%. It must be noted that both, Covishield and Covaxin have a two-dose regimen. 

The Central Government may have released data on people who have tested positive post coronavirus vaccination, the number of days after which the person contracted Covid-19 after vaccination has not been revealed yet. Experts believe that sufficient antibodies are generated only 10-15 days after an individual has taken the second dose.

According to the released data, Bharat Biotech manufactured Covaxin, has been administered to 1.1 Crore people in the country till now. Of these, about 93 Lakh people have been given the first dose and around 17 Lakh, their second dose. Of the 93 Lakh, 4,208 people have tested positive after taking the shot. Among the 17 Lakh, only 695 have tested positive for novel coronavirus. 

For Covishield, manufactured by the Serum Institute of India, the data shows that nearly 10 Crore people have received its first dose. Of these, 17,145 have tested positive after vaccination. Also, the second dose of Covishield has been given to more than 1.5 Crore people, of which 5,014 people have tested positive.

Experts suggest that the 0.04% and 0.03% percentages are on the basis of data collected from healthcare workers and frontline workers, who are considered to be at high-risk population. 

Also Read

Things to do if Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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