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Who Should Purchase Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan?

Old Age brings multiple illnesses and diseases that are expensive to treat. Many insurance policies offer senior citizen insurance plans. A senior citizen insurance plan offers medical coverage to individuals falling above the 60 age bracket.

Some of the unique benefits of senior citizen plans are cashless claims, cover for pre-existing diseases, daycare expenses, coverage for medical tests and diagnostics and offers a higher sum insured.

Features of Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans

Following are some of the key features of senior citizen health insurance plans -

1. Hassle-free process

Buying and claiming health insurance for senior citizens is a hassle-free process and doesn't require much documentation.

2. Above 60 age bracket

People above the 60 years of age bracket can get senior citizen health insurance cover.

3. No need for pre-medical screening

Senior citizen insurance policies do not require pre-medical screening.

4. Free checkup services

Insurers provide free medical check-up facilities under senior citizen plans.

5. Coverage for post hospitalisation expenses

Most of the senior citizen insurance plans cover post and pre hospitalisation expenses.

6. Cashless Facility

A cashless Hospitalisation facility is available in-network hospitals of the company when the policyholder is admitted for more than 24 hours.

7. Coverage for different expenses

Most of the policy options available in the market provide coverage for doctors' fee, room charges, medical bills, in- patient hospitalisation expenses etc.&

Who Should Buy Senior Citizen Health Insurance Policy

A senior citizen health insurance plan is recommended for purchase to the following -

1. People falling in above 60 age bracket

People falling under the above 60 years age bracket are considered as senior citizens and should buy these plans. Senior citizen insurance plans are tailored for such people according to their requirements.

2. People who want dedicated plans

It is usually advisable to buy individual plans for parents and senior citizens and not to include them in family floater plans as their requirements are more and different than that of young people. Those who want individual plans for their parents can opt for senior citizen plans.

3. People looking for health insurance plans for their parents

If your parents are retired and fall under the senior citizen category, they are considered more prone to illnesses and diseases. If you are looking for health insurance plans for your parents you should consider buying a separate health insurance plan for them as per their needs and requirements.

4. Those who want alternative treatments

Most old age people consider alternative methods of treatment such as Unani, meditation and homeopathy. Apart from hospitalisation expenses and medical expenses insurance companies provide coverage for such alternative treatments too. It includes consultation and medication expenses.

5. Those who want higher sum insured

If you don't want to add your parents or any senior citizen member if the family for that matter in the family floater plan and want a separate high cover amount for them. You should consider buying a separate senior citizen insurance plan as it would provide high sum insured for them under low premium rates.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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