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Top SBI Health Insurance Plans to Buy in 2021

SBI General Insurance Company came to existence with the help of two major contributors i.e State Bank of India and Insurance Australia Group(IAG). The company offers comprehensive health insurance plans to the policyholder against the expenses incurred by them due to health associated problems. The plan offers coverage for various hospitalisation expenses including pre-hospitalisation expenses, post-hospitalisation expenses, consultation fees, day care treatment amongst others. They offer a variety of plans for the policy buyer to choose from like individual plans, corporate plans, senior citizen plans, corporate group plans at an affordable premium rate.

Top SBI Health Insurance Plans to Buy in 2021

Top SBI Health Insurance Plans to Purchase in 2021

Let us understand the top SBI health insurance plans that the policy buyers can consider buying in 2021:

S.No Health Insurance Plan Entry Age
1. SBI Arogya Premier Plan Minimum age: 3 months
Maximum Age: 65 years
2. SBI Retail Health Insurance Plan Minimum age: 18 years
Maximum Age: 65 years
3. SBI Critical Illness Insurance Plan Minimum age: 18 years
Maximum Age: 65 years

1. SBI Arogya Premier Plan

SBI Arogya Premier Plan is a comprehensive health insurance plan that is specifically designed to offer coverage to both individuals and their family members for healthcare-related expenses. To be specific, the plan provides cover for self, spouse, parents, parents-in law, dependent children.

Features of the Plan

  • The entry age to get coverage under the plan is 3 months to 65 years in age. Moreover, the sum insured option ranges between Rs 10 Lakh to Rs 30 Lakh and the plan can be purchased for a policy term of 1 year, 2 years or 3 years.
  • For individuals, who are aged 55 years or less and have no previous medical history are not required to undergo any pre-policy health check-up.
  • Coverage offered for pre-hospitalisation is 60 days and for post-hospitalisation it is 90 days.
  • Tax deduction is provided to the policyholder under the plan as per the section 80D of the Income Tax Act.The plan also offers coverage under the AYUSH system of medicine.

2. SBI Retail Health Insurance Plan

SBI Retail Insurance Plan is a health insurance cover that offers health coverage alongside other benefits at an affordable premium. The entire family can get insured under a single health plan including self, spouse, parents and dependent children.

Features of the Plan

  • You can be the policy proposer if you are aged between 18 years to 65 years. Moreover, under this plan children below 10 years are offered child care facilities.
  • For individuals, who are aged 45 years or less and have no previous medical history are not required to undergo any pre-policy health check-up.
  • The policyholder is given the option to select from flexible plans namely, Metro Plan, Semi-metro and Rest of India.
  • Coverage offered for pre-hospitalisation is 60 days and for post-hospitalisation it is 90 days.

3. SBI Critical Illness Insurance Plan

SBI Critical Illness Insurance Plan offers coverage to the policyholder against 13 fatal illnesses. The plan provides a financial support system to the insured individual regardless of the incurred healthcare expenses so that the policyholder can completely concentrate on the treatment rather than getting worried about their finances.

Features of the Plan

  • You can be the policy proposer if you are aged between 18 years to 65 years. The sum insured option ranges between Rs 2 Lakh to Rs 5 Lakh. Additionally,there is a sum insured limit of up to Rs 50 lakh available with the plan.
  • The plan offers reimbursement of expenses for up to 13 deadly diseases including total blindness, cancer, kidney failure, stroke, coma, primary pulmonary arterial hypertension,multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, aorta graft surgery, etc.
  • The plans provide the policyholder with a grace period of 30 days. Moreover, there is a free look up period of 15 days.
  • For individuals, who are aged 45 years or less and have no previous medical history are not required to undergo any pre-policy health check-up.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

Health Insurance Coverage Calculator

Who do you want to insured ?

  • Individual
  • Couple
  • Family
  • Parents

Age of eldest insured member ?

Where do you live ?

Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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