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Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is a cause of concern for many women these days. Although, there are no sure methods to prevent breast cancer. However, there are various ways that you can adopt that can help you in lowering the risk of getting breast cancer. There are many risk factors that lie beyond our control such as family history, ageing etc yet there are many factors that can be controlled in order to lower the risk of developing breast cancer.

Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer

Ways to Reduce Breast Cancer

Even in women who are at the higher risk of developing breast cancer, researchers have proved that significant changes in the lifestyle can help in decreasing the risk of breast cancer. In order to lower your risk, you should:

  • Limit Alcohol Intake: The more alcohol a person consumes, the more they are at the risk of getting breast cancer. Therefore, as per research and general information, it is recommended to limit the intake of alcohol to just one drink in a day, as even smaller amounts can lead to an increased risk.
  • Be Physically Fit and Active: Exercises are extremely important for maintaining good health. Moreover, women who are physically fit and active for at least half an hour in a day are at a lower risk of developing breast cancer. While exercising on a regular basis is one of the best ways to keep your weight in check.
  • Quit Smoking: Both active and passive smoking are unhealthy habits. It not just lowers the quality of life but also increases risk of developing heart ailments such as stroke, various types of cancers like breast cancer. Apart from this it also leads to smelly breath, wrinkles and bad teeth etc.
  • Control Weight: Obesity or being overweight can lead to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. An increased risk of cancer can occur due to obesity happening at the later part of life, especially after the menopause.
  • Breastfeed (If Possible): Breastfeeding can help in lowering the risk of getting breast cancer, especially if you breastfeed for more than a year. Therefore, the longer time you breastfeed, the better would be the protective effect. Along with this, breastfeeding is not just healthy for mothers but for infants as well.
  • Avoid Exposure to Environmental Pollution and Radiation: Computerised Tomography methods and various other medical imaging methods make use of high radiation doses. Although more research is required, some studies suggest a common link between cumulative exposure to radiation and breast cancer over a period of your life. Lesser your exposure by doing these tests only when it is absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid Birth Control Pills: There are both risks and benefits associated with birth control pills. Although, the risk is lower in younger age, but it increases with age. Women who consume birth control pills have a slightly increased risk of developing breast cancer. Though, this risk diminishes quickly after stopping the consumption of pills. The risk of getting other heart diseases and stroke increases while a woman is on the pills. However, using birth control pills can also help in lowering the risk of developing ovarian cancer, uterine cancer etc apart from preventing an unwanted pregnancy.

Can Eating Healthy Help in Preventing Breast Cancer?

Healthy eating may help you in reducing the risk of some types of cancers, heart disease, stroke, diabetes etc. For instance, females who consume a Mediterranean diet alongside extra virgin olive oil mixed with nuts may have a lesser risk of developing breast cancer. Mediterranean diet majorly concentrates on plant based foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes etc. Alongside, maintaining a healthy and balanced weight is a primary factor in preventing breast cancer.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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