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Tips for Students to Spend Time At Home During Covid

Covid-19 has brought everything to a standstill and people who have had to drastically alter their existing modes of engagement are children. With schools shut down for over a year, parents have had the daunting task of meaningfully organizing their child’s routine at home and keep their levels of anxiety under control as well. Given the total overhaul to the digital platform for keeping learning and education afloat, children have been forced to spend a considerable amount of screen time by looking or staring into their computer and phone screens. Experts hold that it is important to balance the same with other activities since too much exposure to the same can have adverse effects on their eyesight and sleep patterns.

Children and students are second-most susceptible to Covid-19 after the elderly and it is only fair that they engage in some meaningful activities at home to make up for their lost time at the playground and lack of other physical activities. This article mentions some tips about students to productively utilize their time at home during Covid. Let’s find out what those are from the list below -

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Tips For Students to Spend Time At Home During Covid -

The following are a list of tips that students can follow while at home during Covid -

1. Manage Your Screen Time -

Given the current pandemic, it is inevitable that children have to attend their online classes from home via their computers or smartphones. Parents have had no option but to let go of their reservations about device access in order to help their children cope with the lockdown. But it is important to balance the amount of time a student spends online and on-screen. It is advised that students optimize their screen time to three hours each day. Two hours for studying or online classes and one hour in the evening for socializing with their friends and batchmates. Managing your screen time in this way will also leave room for other activities at home and you can spend more time with your parents and other family members and help them with the different chores in your house.

2. Try To Meditate -

Our life during the lockdown and after it will be unlike anything from the old order of things and it is extremely important for us to be mindful of our mental health. This is crucial at a time when we are cut off from the outside world and confined within the four walls of our house. For students, young and old who are grappling with the new mode of digital learning, meditation is a prescribed tip for calming their minds. Get hold of a yoga mat, play calm music and try to meditate. It helps in relieving your stress, anxiety and offers you peace against the chaos of adjustment to the new normal. Meditating regularly will also train your mind to be attentive and composed during times of uncertainty.

3. Read Books -

Going to school every day, attending coaching classes afterward, and making sure that you are on time for your co-curricular activities must have contributed to ignoring the books that you have always wanted to read. Staying at home during the pandemic is the best time for you to start reading them all over again. There is enough time before schools reopen for the next academic year and you can seamlessly merge your imagination with a whole new world in the books and gain inspiration, joy, and the much-needed mental rejuvenation to help you sail through the lockdown.

4. Listen To Stories -

As a child, there was no better option of taking a break other than listening to stories. Why don’t you begin the same again? If you live with your grandparents, you can request them to tell you stories of their childhood and of days gone by when your parents were probably as young as you are! There will be interesting anecdotes that you did not know earlier, and before you know it can become your favourite pastime as well. Nowadays, the internet has also come with various online sites and platforms where you can listen to audiobooks and podcasts and fill up your daily quota of knowing something new if you are not quite the bookworm.;

5. Play Indoor Games -

While adults will remember their childhood days when playing indoor games, today’s generation might not be aware of the little joys associated with the same. Once you are done with your studies for the day, you can bring out the old carrom board or the Scrabble and play with your family members to shake off the day Zoom exhaustion. You will have an amazing time bonding with your parents, grandparents, and siblings as you learn to enjoy participating in these activities and winning the games!

Limiting your screen time as a student is a very difficult task, given that your entire lives have shifted gears to the digital platform. But, you can always try to make up for the lost activities where you had to use both your mental and physical faculties. These are some tips that every student can follow to have a stress-free routine every day where they can also involve their family members in certain activities.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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