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Know About TATA AIG Wellsurance Policy - A Women Health Insurance

Every day we age, we snip our health.

And women are no exception.

They have shoulder responsibilities for the entire family.

Given that, Tata AIG brings women a Wellsurance Woman Policy - a kind of plan that covers everything, ranging from simple diseases to critical illnesses.

To know about Tata AIG Wellsurance Woman Policy and determine whether or not it is the right policy for you, here are some basic pieces of information.

TATA AIG Wellsurance Woman policy

The Wellsurance Woman policy of Tata AIG is one of the best health insurance plans for women. It includes all the benefits of regular policies. Besides, you can customize it to enjoy some additional advantages, including:

  • Cashless insurance
  • Hospitalization
  • Recuperation benefits
  • Cosmetic reconstructive surgery
  • Critical illness cover
  • Health lines
  • Health and wellness discounts
  • Health Portal
  • Regular health newsletters
  • Several additional expenses

Apart from the above benefits, Tata AIG allows you to buy the Wellsurance policy online, renew it lifelong, and enjoy tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

TATA AIG Health Insurance Critical Illnesses and Coverage

The Wellsurance policy for women also provide coverage for 11 critical illnesses  with or without hospitalization:

  • Hospitalization cash benefits include incidental expenses.
  • Convalescence benefits include paid in a lump sum after continuous hospitalization for 5 days.

The best part is that this policy, unlike other health plans, also covers cosmetic reconstructive surgery (paid in a lump sum). But, this surgery is only covered if it is a result of an accident.

Crucial Features of Wellsurance Woman Policy

Crucial features of the TATA AIG Wellsurance Policy for women include:

  • Daily hospital cash benefits
  • Facility to lifelong policy renewal
  • Coverage of 11 critical illnesses
  • Higher benefits in case of cancer
  • Higher hospital cash benefits for patients admitted to ICU/ICCU
  • Freelook period of 15 days for entry
  • Over 3000 network hospitals throughout India for cashless hospitalization
  • A grace period of 30 days for the policy renewal
  • Income Tax benefits under Section 80D
  • A feature to increase the sum insured amount when renewing the policy
  • Convalescence benefit for treatment post hospitalization
  • Cosmetic reconstruction surgeries for injuries caused by accidents

How Wellsurance the Right Policy for Women

ICU Benefits:  In the hospitalisation benefits, ICU charges for 15 days are included. So, you need to worry about daily expenses when the doctor admits you to the Intensive care unit.  

Ambulance Costs: The policy covers ambulance charges (up to the specified amount), incurred in bringing the policyholder to the health care center after an accident and returning to the residence after being discharged from the hospital.  

Cosmetic Reconstruction Surgery: The expenses for cosmetic reconstruction surgery to restore/improve or correct significant deformity are covered under the TATA AIG Wellsurance Woman Policy. However, the injury should be accidental. The claim amount is subject to the maximum shown in the policy schedule.

Value-added Service:

Value-added services include facilities like:

  • Free health line
  • Free Health portal
  • Free Health Query
  • Discounted services for health and wellness
  • Discounts are available at network partners of over 200 gyms, spas, skincare, and weight management centers.
  • Discounts on health check-ups at their partner hospitals.

The insurance provider will provide you with a comprehensive health portal that delivers information about the network of hospitals, their services, and costs. As an insured, you can also get a personalized tracker to monitor your health and fitness levels. You can post your queries on the portal and get specialized medical practitioners.

Exclusions Under TATA AIG Wellurance Women Health Insurance Policy

Like many other policies, this woman's insurance policy doesn’t cover any pre-existing conditions or any health issues arising from them. There are exclusions for self-inflicted injuries intentionally, congenital abnormalities, sexually transmitted diseases, cosmetic procedures, pregnancy, organ transplants, or childbirth-related treatments

Here are some more conditions where Wellsurance policy for women does not work:

  • Any nervous disorders, mental, anxiety, depression, or stress.
  • Any critical diseases, illnesses, or signs/symptoms that first occurred before or within the waiting period (90 days) are not covered.
  • Any homeopath, ayurvedic naturopath treatments, or weight control programs are not covered.
  • You can’t avail of the policy benefits in the case of medical expenses arising out of the influence of alcohol and/or drug abuse, addiction, or overdose.
  • The policy does not cover injuries that occur due to a civil war, invasion, hostilities, professional sports, or hazardous activities.
  • This policy for women does not work in case of injuries caused by nuclear weapon-induced hospitalization.
  • Plastic surgery, cosmetic, or elective is not covered unless this is an outcome of an injury due to a covered accident while the policy is in force.
  • Pre-existing conditions have a waiting period of 4 years from the date of the policy purchase. They are covered after a period of 4 consecutive policy years. But this is only applicable if you maintain the policy without any break.

With the above information, it’s clear that the TATA AIG Wellsurance Woman policy provides coverage for a wide range of illnesses and conditions. You can buy and renew this policy online. In a nutshell, it is one of the best policies for women you can buy in the country. 

Also Read:

Read about Royal Sundaram Health Insurance.

TATA AIG Introduces Comprehensive Medicare Health Insurance Policy

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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