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Long Term vs Short Term - Which Health Insurance to Buy?

Health insurance purchase, when done right, helps the policyholder reap multiple benefits. On the other hand, a single mistake committed while buying health insurance from the policyholder can lead them to regret it. It is, therefore, recommended to every policyholder to be sure of what they want to buy so that there are no chances of disappointment at the time of filing a claim.

Have you made a list of all that you want your health insurance policy to have? Have you considered the key aspects before making the final purchase? So, are you buying your health insurance policy for the long term or short term? Don't know the difference between the two? Let us shed light on the same.

Discovering the Difference Between Long Term and Short Term Health Insurance

Here are a few prime differences between the two:


Long Term Health Insurance

Short Term Health Insurance


2 to 3 years

Up to 12 months



Covers only major expenses

Policy renewal

Not required at the end of every year

Important to renew

Pre-existing disease cover


Not available

Maternity & newborn cover


Not available






Not available

1. While long term health insurance has a tenure of 2 to 3 years, short term health insurance is for a period of up to 12 months.

2. While long term health insurance provides comprehensive coverage, short term health insurance covers major expenses against medical emergencies for a shorter duration.

3. While long term health insurance does not come with the need for renewal at the end of every year, short term health insurance requires renewal after the period of 12 months. In the case of short term health insurance, if the policyholder does not renew the policy, they may lose the right to avail of the no claim bonus.

4. While long term health insurance may provide coverage for the pre-existing disease after a specific waiting period, short term health insurance does not generally include pre-existing disease in its cover.

Also Read: Health Insurance with Pre-Existing Condition

5. While long term health insurance may provide coverage for maternity and newborn baby-related expenses, short term insurance may lack the same.

6. While long term health insurance comes with a high premium rate, short term health insurance offers coverage at a low premium price.

While long term health insurance comes with discounts on premium, short term health insurance may not include the same.

Should I Choose Long Term Health Insurance or Short Term Health Insurance?

Short term health insurance is a great option for young and healthy individuals. Buying a long term plan is advisable for those who wish to protect themselves as well as their family members such as spouse, children, and parents for a long time.

Whether you go with long term health insurance or short term health insurance, rest assured you will benefit in both cases. Your health insurance policy will help you safeguard not only your financial stability but also your health by providing quality treatment.

At Last

The difference between long term health insurance and short term health insurance is quite clear. Choosing any of the two will resolve your purpose of availing of the best possible medical treatment without losing your finances as well as peace of mind.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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  • Individual
  • Couple
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  • Parents

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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