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Guide for Claim Star Health Insurance Policy? Process

Health Insurance policies help to protect the individual and his family members against medical emergencies. Star Health Insurance is a big name in the health insurance industry that has a wide network of hospitals under its disposal and follows an easy and hassle-free claims process. Cashless treatment can be availed in the network hospitals of the Star Health Insurance plan for both planned and emergency hospitalization.

Guide for Claim Star Health Insurance Policy? Process

Process of Filing a Claim with Star Health Insurance

The process of filing a claim with a Star Health Insurance company is simple and is performed through the member card of the insured person. The procedure for claims filing is as follows:

1. Member Card: The member card or the unique insurance card will have the member ID and the policy number on it. It should be furnished by the person at the network hospital for insurance claims.
2. Pre-authorization Form: After furnishing the member ID card at the insurance desk of the network hospital, the insured should fill out a pre-authorization form available in the customer’s section. After all the details are filled in the form, will be faxed to Star Health Insurance company.
3. Informing the Insurer: In the case of planned hospitalization, the insurer should be informed at least 24 hours before admission to the hospital. In cases of emergency hospitalization, the insurer should be informed within 24 hours of admission.
4. Review for Approval: The in-house medical team from the health insurance company will review the documents and the medical case as received and intimate the insurance status as approved, pending, or rejected to the guardian of the patient.

Types of Claims Settlement Offered By Star Health Insurance

Star Health Insurance Claim settlement is done in two ways, namely cashless treatment and reimbursement of the treatment cost.

  1. Cashless Claims: The policyholder has to fill out the pre-authorization form with all the required details and the same will be verified by the hospital. A field doctor will be assigned to aid in the treatment procedure. If some treatment expenses are not covered under the scope of the policy, then the insured should pay by self.
  2. Reimbursement Claims: Treatments that are carried out in non-network hospitals and treatments that are not approved for cashless mode can avail reimbursements. The following documents will be required for the reimbursement process:
  • Duly filled and signed claims form that can be downloaded from the website of Star Health Insurance.
  • A valid photo ID proof as approved by the Government.
  • Letter from the medical practitioner on the details of the diagnostic tests and medications
  • Original copies of bills, receipts, and discharge cards from the hospital.
  • Bills and receipts from the labs and pharmacy
  • Papers of the in-patient case sheet as applicable.

These documents will have to be analyzed and approved by the medical team of Star Health. If approved, the claims will be settled within a fortnight.

Bottom Line

Every claim should be submitted within time to prevent delay in the claims settlement. The insurance team will process the claim, only if all the required and necessary documents are submitted and verified by their in-house team.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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