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How Mild COVID-19 Symptoms Can Quickly Become Serious?

The majority of individuals who get coronavirus will either develop asymptomatic or no symptoms at all. They usually don’t get down with a fever, cough, or suffer from shortness of breath or any other strange symptoms such as diarrhoea, loss of taste or smell. However, people who notice these mild symptoms should be extremely careful as these symptoms quickly escalate to serious and can be life-threatening.

COVID-19 Symptoms Mild to Serious

The signs of Coronavirus are noticeable between 2-14 days after being exposed to the virus as per the Centres for disease control and prevention(CDC). Such signs include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Muscle Pain
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Breath Shortness
  • Muscle ache
  • Tiredness and Weakness
  • Runny nose
  • Loss of taste or smell

With the development of these mild symptoms, no hospitalization is required. However, a person with these symptoms should stay at home, rest and self-quarantine themselves so as to stop the virus from spreading to others.

According to the experts, as of now, there is no method of predicting if an individual may develop COVID-19 symptoms from mild to serious, however, there are certain risk factors that could increase the chances. These risk factors include lung disease, hypertension, age, diabetes, immunosuppression etc.

Worsening of Symptoms

In the beginning, signs are vague but may worsen with time as the illness progresses. In case, a person experiences any of the below-mentioned symptoms, there are chances of developing a severe and fatal coronavirus disease. Therefore, it is important that such people should seek a medical emergency immediately:

  • Worsening of difficulty in breathing
  • Lips or tongue going bluish
  • Drowsiness or confusion
  • Not being able to walk around the house or do daily chores without falling short of breath

While apart from this, other signs may include pain in the chest, seizures, tiredness, severe headache or weakness in body parts such as legs, arms or face.

Also Read: Steps Which Will Help Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Treatment of COVID-19 Symptoms

Although, there is no proper way mentioned upon stopping COVID-19 for escalating from mild to severe, yet necessary precautions should be taken to stop the virus from spreading to others.

A person with COVID-19 signs should do the following to treat themselves quickly:

  • Stay Hydrated
  • Take Proper Medications
  • Avoid Alcohol Beverages
  • Don’t Consume Tea or Coffee

Monitor your symptoms properly and in case if they go worse, then immediately seek medical help. Also, stay away from other people so as to stop the virus from spreading ahead. You need to do the following:

  • Stay in a single place
  • Ask others to maintain a safe distance
  • Cover your sneezes and cough
  • Wear a mask
  • Maintain cleanliness, especially regularly wash your hands
  • Avoid sharing utensils, bedding, etc
  • Properly disinfect surfaces such as tabletops, counters, doorknobs

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Take Away

COVID-19 does not have any pre-existing medical history. There are still a lot of things that are not known regarding the virus. Our scientists and researchers are doing their best to find a cure and vaccine for the treatment of coronavirus yet there are still new things that we are learning every day about the disease. It is significant for you to go through regular and periodic check-ups if you have any pre-existing health conditions that can negatively affect your lungs, heart, or any other organ. Be careful, and do not forget to wear a mask, maintain cleanliness and proper social distancing. Also, seek immediate medical attention if you have developed any symptoms or maintain proper distancing if you come across a person with a known case of COVID-19. As in the end, you are solely responsible for your health and well being, therefore be well protected and even advocate for your family members and loved ones regarding the same.

You May Also Like To Read: Importance of Health Insurance Cover During COVID-19
Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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