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Features and Benefits of Corona Kavach Policy

‘Wear a mask, stay at home, save lives’ has been the mantra for surviving the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of people have been affected by it globally and no other disease has posed a health risk as dangerous as the SARS Cov-2 Coronavirus. Scientists around the world have been relentlessly working to find out a vaccine that can be effective against Covid. At the same time, state organisations and governments have been offering health insurance plans designed specifically to cover the diagnosis and hospitalization charges related to the treatment of Covid. In India, the government has come up with the Corona Kavach Policy that comprehensively covers you and your family against the high medical costs of treating COVID-19.

It is an indemnity health policy that covers hospitalization charges and domiciliary costs as well. Corona Kavach also covers AYUSH treatment costs incurred by either the policyholder or any of their family members. Let us now look at the features and benefits of this particular health policy -

Features of Corona Kavach Policy

The following is a list of the key features of the Corona Kavach Policy -

1. Covers Hospitalization Charges -

Corona Kavach Policy is specially designed to cover the hospitalization charges and other costs related with the treatment of Covid-19.

2. Sum Assured -

Corona Kavach Policy offers an impressive sum assured amount that ranges from INR 50,000 to INR 1 Lakh.

3. Single Premium Paying Term -

It has a one time premium paying term where you can pay all your premiums in a single payout format and are relieved of making any further periodic payments.

4. Comprehensive Coverage Options -

The policy is available in both individual and family floater options, ensuring that both your personal health concerns and those of your dependants are effectively covered by a single policy.

Benefits of Corona Kavach Policy -

The following are the different benefits that can be availed by anyone under the Corona Kavach Policy -

1. Hospitalization and Treatment Benefit -

The primary benefit of this health insurance policy is the financial support it offers by covering all medical expenses incurred during hospitalisation and other treatment costs related to the diagnosis or and recovery from Covid-19. This feature offers a cashless benefit, whereby the medical expenses incurred by you for being hospitalised is completely paid off by the health insurance provider, thereby ensuring that there is no negligence or compromise on your medical supervision. In case the policyholder opts for home quarantine, the policy will cover all medical expenses for the 14 days of self-isolation.

The treatment benefit offered by this policy covers 15 days of pre hospitalization medical costs and 30 days of post hospitalization charges. Hence, the comprehensive coverage of diagnosis, treatment and medical costs under this policy seeks to facilitate and amplify your complete recovery.

2. Ambulance Benefit -

In cases of severe affliction and given the highly infectious nature of Covid, it had become necessary to minimize contact between the infected person from their family members and medical workers while being transported to the hospital for treatment. For patients requiring continuous medical observation and scrutiny in a hospital, Corona Kavach offers reimbursement for the ambulance charges that might have been incurred by you in shifting the patient from your home to the hospital. This benefit enables you to receive a sum of INR 2000 as an ambulance benefit. It corresponds to the multiple numbers of hospital visits that you make in an ambulance, before finally finding a vacancy and admitting the patient to a hospital.

3. Co-Morbidity Benefit -

This feature is designed to offer health coverage for a person who has several co-morbidites or is susceptible to an aggravated and debilitating health condition in conjunction with Covid-19. Any medical costs associated with the diagnosis, treatment and consultation charges of other health issues faced by the policyholder will be payable by this benefit of the policy.

4. Family Floater Benefit -

Covid is highly infectious and if one family member contracts it, other family members are also susceptible to contract it as well. This benefit enables the policyholder to extend their policy to cover their family members as well and offers a 10% discount for the first insured family member, 20% discount for the second insured family member nad 40% for every member insured after them.

These are the key features and important benefits of the Corona Kavach Policy. The virus is yet to leave and you are advised to take utmost precautions to save yourself and your family from being affected by it. While the Corona Kavach Policy effectively secures the financial and medical needs of you and your loved ones, you should take into account your personal requirements and understand the policy before hurriedly investing in the same.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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