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Understanding Health Insurance Coverage for STD Testing and Treatment


Written by Rohit Khurana

Updated Mar 25, 2025

Some of the common and widely prevalent sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are HIV, Syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. The risk of STDs is very high among people who are in their reproductive years. Generally, the diagnostic tests for STDs are not a part of the regular health checkup scheme and the treatment costs of these diseases were not covered in India. But in the bid to make the insurance schemes more inclusive, the Insurance and Regulatory Authority of India has removed some items under the optional cover, which includes STD testing and treatment.

Health Insurance Cover for STD Testing and Treatment

Of all the STDs, the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) is considered more dangerous as there is no known cure for the infection. In India, there was no proper framework with regards to the testing and treatment of HIV positive people and the health insurance providers did not give cover for such treatments before. But with advanced technologies, the life expectancy of the infected individuals' increases, and these diseases are also listed in the health insurance cover with the following guidelines.

  • The coverage is offered for patients with an existing infection.
  • The applicant should be sponsored by the NGO or any Government agency.
  • The name and identity of the applicant should be maintained under strict confidentiality by the insurance agency.
  • The insurer does not bear the actual treatment of the disease but covers diagnostic tests and subsequent STD treatment.
  • The pre-existing conditions, if any will not be covered under this plan.
  • The exclusion criteria of the policy include diagnosis of HIV within 90 days of commencement of the policy.

Top Health Insurance Schemes for STD Testing and Treatment in India

There are very limited health insurance plans that cover sexually transmitted diseases in India, thus giving the affected individuals a hard time accessing insurance coverage. Some of the top companies that offer health insurance coverage for STD are as follows:

1. Star Health Net Plus Plan

This insurance plan covers HIV/AIDS patients with an insured amount of Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 50,000.

2. Max Bupa health Premia Insurance Plan

The health insurance cover for STD under this plan is offered after a waiting period of 48 months. It is available in three variants and the sum insured varies from Rs. 5 Lacs to Rs. 3 crores.

3. Star India Medi Classic Insurance Plan
If the CD4 count of the disease is less than 350, then those patients can claim this insurance plan. The scheme covers in-patient cost, pre, and post-hospitalization costs, and also the costs of non-allopathic treatments.

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As the treatment for diseases like HIV is prolonged, the affected individuals require treatment for their entire life, making it a costly affair. Health Insurance for STD is not very commendable in India but several insurance companies in India are coming forward to make this disease a part of their Inclusion list to support the affected individuals with financial aid.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


Written by Rohit Khurana

Rohit Khurana is a seasoned insurance industry professional with extensive expertise in claims management, fraud risk control, and strategic leadership. Currently serving as the HeRead More

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