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Do Health Insurance Premiums Differ for Obese People?

Health insurance companies calculate an approximate cost they might have to bear to provide health insurance to an individual. This cost depends on various factors of which age, gender, and weight are a few to name. So, yes, health insurance companies can charge you more if you are obese or overweight and they think that your weight is a risk factor. Not all types of insurances get affected by weight, but health insurance and life insurance certainly do.   

Facts Related to Obesity 

A medical condition where excess body fat gets accumulated to the extent of causing a negative effect on the human body is called obesity. Obesity is calculated with BMI, i.e. Body Mass Index, which is calculated as the ratio of body weight to body height. People with BMI of more than 30 are considered obese. If BMI lies between 25-29.9, then it is considered overweight. 

According to WHO, 1 out of every 6 people is obese. It is also shocking to know that more people die of obesity than starvation. In this world statistics, India is not left behind but has already joined the obesity epidemic. 

Get Insured Early in Life

Over the past decade, there has been a sharp rise in the number of obese people in India. If it happens that an obese person is diagnosed with a severe health problem, then there is a good possibility in denial of health insurance to such people by the insurance company, hence it shows that it is extremely important to stay healthy and fit. Howevere, there are a few ways through which an obese person can get a health insurance cover. Purchasing a health insurance plan at an early stage in life is always helpful due to BMR, stands for Basal Metabolic Rate, it reduces as the person starts ageing. Therefore, purchasing a health plan early would protect you against ever increasing healthcare expenses and health care complications that could possibly surface at a later stage in life. Moreover, as you start ageing, you get more vulnerable to diseases because of a sedentary lifestyle and low immunity. And at that point of life, you could probably develop a few health care complications or put on extra kilos, owing to which there is a good chance of denial for health insurance by the reputed health insurance company. Generally speaking, health insurance products are not designed particularly keeping in mind obese individuals, in case your BMI goes over 30, then you are required to pay a little high premium amount in order to safeguard your health.

Stay Healthy and Fit

Try and avoid consuming junk food and get into daily exercise including yoga in order to maintain a fit and healthy body. This has two advantages, keeping a close look on your diet and your exercising routine can help you in reducing weight and would ultimately get you that perfect body that you have always dreamt of. Staying healthy and fit will keep obesity at a distance and will also help you in getting a health insurance plan at an affordable premium rate.

Health Insurance Premium for Obese People 

With obesity, there are multiple factors associated. These are genetic predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, junk food, and unbalanced metabolism. Also, obesity brings along with it a number of complications and respiratory problems, hypertension, angina, heart disorders are just a few to name.

Certainly, the life expectancy rate is less in obese people. So to put it straight, health insurance companies to give these factors a thought in order to anticipate losses and to plan the benefits they can offer an individual in that premium amount. 

Effects of Obesity on Health Insurance Premiums

In case you are an overweight individual, the thought of paying a comparatively higher health insurance premium can help you push your limits. For instance, you might want to go to the gym for the obvious reason to bring your BMI down. But this is for the long term. For the short term, you will have to bear a high premium. 

You must be thinking about the solution. A wise way to save on premium then is to purchase a health insurance plan from health insurance brokers online like It offers several perks such as best price, numerous benefits and timely issuance of the policy. It not only perceives the risks of an overweight individual differently but also compares quotes for you online. It helps you get the best deal for you according to your budget and requirements. 

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Take Away

Thankfully, neither being obese nor being overweight can stop an insurer to give you health insurance. But, to keep it straight and simple, the more you weigh, the more you pay. Keeping aside higher premiums, you may also have to bear several exclusions from your health insurance plan. Also, to accept a fact, health insurance companies charge a higher rate in this case if compared to normal individuals. So, to find a health insurance cover that matches the needs of obese individuals can certainly be a daunting task.  

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