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Common Scenarios Where Coronavirus Health Insurance Claim Could Get Rejected

Needless to say, coronavirus disease is progressing at a rapid pace in our country. Ever since its spread in India, COVID-19 has consumed the mind of every individual. And why not? After all, it is a cause of serious concern. 

While people have made themselves aware of Mild, Moderate and Severe Symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus, they have also come to realize that Coronavirus Disease Is Being Covered By Health Insurance Companies in India

If you too have finally understood the significance of coronavirus health insurance and are willing to opt for it, here are a few things you need to uncover before taking the next step. 

Some basic information: 

  • Many companies have come up with health insurance plans covering the treatment cost for coronavirus infection. So, you need to be very precise about your choice during the selection process. 
  • Patients getting hospitalized for coronavirus disease receive the best possible treatment just like in case of any other illness or disease. So, keep all your worries aside regarding the cover being given to you. 

However, there are also some points you need to know to prevent making a hasty decision and regretting in the later run. 

Coronavirus health insurance policy – When you won’t be able to register a claim?

  • If you are not hospitalized for a minimum of 24 hours, your policy may not cover your claim. Note that health insurance claim because of coronavirus is payable only if you have been hospitalized for at least 24 hours. 

  • If you are already a patient of any respiratory disease for the past one month more than that, then mediclaim under your coronavirus specific insurance policy or a basic health insurance policy might not get settled. 

  • If you have been suffering from cough, flu, respiratory issues, breathlessness and have been planning to avail treatment, only to find that your symptoms have transformed into coronavirus disease, your health insurance provider might reject your claim. 

  • If suffering from coronavirus infection and opting to go for planned treatment and filing a claim under a normal health insurance policy or a specific coronavirus health insurance, chances are your claim might get rejected. 

  • If you and your family members have a recent travel history to the worst coronavirus affected countries, then your regular indemnity health insurance policy will provide cover, in case you are under quarantine in India. If you catch COVID-19 infection from any of your infected family members with a travel history to selected countries such as China, Italy, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Kuwait, Singapore, Thailand, and others, your mediclaim won’t get settled. 

  • Specifically designed coronavirus insurance policies may not allow coverage to people with a travel history to Thailand, China, Italy, Singapore, Hong Kong and a few other countries. However, some coronavirus policies are is an exception to the same as they can provide cover, irrespective of international travel history. 

  • If you contract coronavirus disease during the waiting period of your coronavirus health insurance, your policy may fail to provide you with cover. 

Also Read

US Medical Experts Identify 6 New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptoms

How Age Affects Your Health Insurance Premium Cost


Protection against coronavirus or COVID-19 disease has become a must. 

You should invest in coronavirus health insurance apart from understanding How Avoiding Touching Your Face Can Help Fight Coronavirus Infection and following Social Distancing Guidelines to Fight Coronavirus. 

If you need any sort of information regarding coronavirus disease and which coronavirus disease plans have come up in the market, feel free to have a word with our experts at 1800-1205-698. 

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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