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Common Diseases Caused by Air Pollution

A public health concern all across the globe, air pollution is the cause of many health issues. A mixture of hazardous substances from both, human-made and natural sources, air pollution is the fourth-largest threat to the health of human beings, other than smoking, high blood pressure, and dietary risks. In addition, it cannot be denied that air pollution is the primary cause of a wide number of deaths all around the world. As far as the causes of air pollution are concerned, they are many. 

Causes of Air Pollution

The list of air pollution causes includes:

  • Wildfires
  • Indoor air pollution
  • Construction and demolition
  • Transportation
  • Burning of fossil fuels
  • Burning garbage waste in open
  • Microbial decaying process, etc. 

Having discussed the causes of air pollution, let us now shed light on the diseases that are caused by air pollution.

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Common Diseases Caused Due to Air Pollution

Air pollution is the ultimate cause of numerous health concerns among human beings. Here are a few diseases caused by air pollution:

1. Asthma - One of the most common diseases caused due to air pollution, asthma is a condition in which the airways become narrow and swell and start producing extra mucus. In asthma, one finds it difficult to breathe due to the inflammation, narrowing of the airways as well as the extra mucus. A chronic or long-term condition, asthma causes immense breathlessness. A person struggling with asthma may find even performing daily activities extremely challenging and even impossible. 

2. Lung Cancer - Lung cancer is the cancer that starts in the lungs. Extremely common among people who smoke, lung cancer can also happen to people who indulge in second-hand smoking, exposure to certain toxins or have a family history. As far as the symptoms are concerned, cough, chest pain, hoarseness, wheezing sound and weight loss are the common ones. 

3. Leukemia - The cancer of blood and bone marrow, leukemia involves symptoms such as bleeding, easy bruising, bones or joint pain, fevers, weight loss and more. As far as the cause is concerned, leukemia is common among people with radiation exposure, smoking, family history, exposure to chemicals like benzene, etc. 

4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD - A chronic inflammatory lung disease, COPD involves blocked airflow, thereby making it extremely difficult to breathe. Caused majorly due to emphysema and chronic bronchitis, COPD has an irreversible damage to the lungs. Talking about symptoms of COPD, they include shortness of breath, wheezing or a chronic cough.

5. Pneumonia - Pneumonia is an infection in which air sacs in one or both lungs get inflamed and filled with fluid or pus. A life-threatening condition for children and the elderly, pneumonia causes cough with phlegm or pus, difficulty in breathing, fever, and chills. This lung infection is caused due to bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Bacteria present in the polluted air are the prime cause behind it. 

6. Birth & immune system defects - Newborn and unborn babies, when exposed to the polluted air develop multiple issues. Lower immunity against the infections, inborn allergies, and cough & cold being some of the common concerns. It is, therefore, necessary for the pregnant ladies to ensure intake of fresh air, even if it means by using air filters. 

7. Cardiovascular diseases - Being in a polluted environment causes ‘n’ number of cardiovascular diseases. What determines the degree of disease and infection is the extent of the pollutants exposed to.  Poisonous gases and particulate matter are enough to make a person suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. 

8. Premature deaths - Pollutants in the air can result in premature deaths, due to asphyxiation as well as extreme reactions caused by the body to the pollutant matter. Please note that the number of premature deaths due to air pollution every year is quite big. 

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At Last 

Air pollution may seem hard to fight. However, you can always take precautions to keep yourself at bay from air pollution. Some of the actions you can perform to reduce air pollution include reducing use of firewood, reducing the number of trips, choosing sustainable products, and reducing energy consumption. Remember, even a small effort from your side would count. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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