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All About Types of Heart Attack


Heart attacks pose a serious risk to the health of a person and can even be deadly. They generally occur due to the disruption of the flow of blood to the heart caused by the blockage in the coronary arteries.

Types Of Heart Attack

There are three types of heart attacks caused due to coronary artery disease. These are:


STEMI stands for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. This attack is acute and requires immediate medical attention. It happens when the coronary artery is completely blocked, which further prevents the blood from making it to the large part of the heart.

Symptoms of a STEMI

A STEMI heart attack is often accompanied by pain in the chest center. The discomfort in the chest is generally described as tightness or pressure instead of acute pain. While some people alongside pain in the chest also experience pain in their arms, back neck, or jaw.

Besides, other signs along with chest pain include:

  • Breath Shortness
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness
  • Cold Sweat
  • Anxiety

You should immediately call for a medical emergency if you notice signs of a heart attack. As most of the individuals who experience symptoms of heart attack delay in calling for medical help, that could result in heart damage or even death.

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NSTEMI stands for Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. This attack is a less severe form of a heart attack. It happens when there is a partial blockage in the coronary artery and the flow of blood is acutely restricted.

Symptoms of an NSTEMI

In NSTEMI heart attack is also accompanied by pain in the chest center. The discomfort in the chest is often identified as tightness or pressure in the heart. Besides, pain in the chest some individuals also experience pain in their jaw, back, stomach, or neck.

The other signs of NSTEMI include:

  • Breath Shortness
  • Sweating
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

It is recommended that you should take these symptoms seriously and call for medical help immediately. As every minute passed without medical help can further deteriorate your condition and can increase the damage to your heart.

3. Coronary Artery Spasm

Coronary artery spasm is also referred to as unstable angina or silent heart attacks. This happens when there is a contraction in the arteries that are connected to the heart. This results in the prevention of the flow of blood to the heart. They are temporary and happen for a brief period of time. However, these can further result in heart complications like a heart attack.

Symptoms of a Coronary Artery Spasm

Since the coronary artery spasm doesn't show noticeable signs, a lot of coronary artery spasms go undiagnosed. It can be threatening as the contractions may in the due course cause a heart attack. However, the most common sign of a coronary artery spasm is mild chest pain or tightness in the chest.

Besides, other symptoms include:

  • Angina or Chest Pain
  • Chest Pain on the Left Side
  • Chest Pressure
  • Constriction Feeling
  • Pain Spreading from Chest to arms, jawbone, or neck.

Coronary artery spasm can be suspected if you experience pain in the chest that:

  • happens only during rest
  • lasts for a duration of 5-30 minutes at a time
  • happens mostly at night or early morning

Prevention of Heart Attack

An individual can lower the risk of experiencing a heart attack by:

  • Performing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise daily
  • Not Smoking
  • Reducing Stress
  • Eating Balanced Food including vegetable, fruits, nuts, fish, etc
  • Sustaining Healthy Weight (No obesity)

Although, heart attacks are not completely preventable as genetics play an important role. However, with some simple and healthy changes in the lifestyle, an individual can eventually reduce the risk by taking some important steps.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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