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Why One Must Purchase Term Insurance Before 25 Years?

Term life insurance might be a good choice if you: Are looking for an affordable way to financially protect your family. Are seeking coverage to help your partner pay your mortgage and other day-to-day bills if you were no longer around. Need coverage to protect your financial dependents for a set period of time.

Term insurance policies will always be cheaper in annual premiums the younger you are when you buy your policy. Good health also translates to lower insurance costs and buying a policy younger also lowers the chances of having an illness like diabetes or heart disease.

Reasons To Buy A Term Insurance Plan Before Turning 25

Here are a few reasons why you should purchase term insurance before 25: 

  • Younger Is Cheaper

If you think buying term insurance before you turn 25 is too early, you are wrong! While you are young, you are luckily healthy and far away from chronic or any critical disorders. So, your premiums for a term insurance plan too would be lower at a younger age. Plus, being healthy is an added benefit! If you wait to turn 30 to buy a term insurance plan, you would end up paying a higher premium. Applying early for a term insurance plan would also help you skip the major setback that you would otherwise have to undergo. Yes, the medical check-up. Since you are young, your body has not yet got attracted to any lifestyle disorders. So, the chances of your term insurance policy getting rejected are minimal.

  • Flexible

At 25 years, you are still confused regarding your financial life. So, if some day you don’t wish to continue with your term insurance plan, you can stop paying the premiums. By doing so, your policy would cease and finally come to an end. You are not liable for any payments since the element of savings here is zero. Whereas, the insurance policies that hold cash value, would give you the promised survival benefit, if they are held for the entire tenure.

Here, if you discontinue paying the premiums suddenly, you would face a financial loss. This is because you would be eligible to get your complete savings only after certain deductions. There are certain term insurance plans that are convertible and renewable too. So, with flexibility at your mercy, you can certainly think of buying a term plan before you turn 25!

  • Most Recommended Financial Product

You have seen your older siblings taking consultation from financial advisors to invest smartly. So do you. SIPs, mutual funds, pension plans or probably life insurance plans might wreck your head. But, the idea to invest smartly is to have a tension free and risk free retirement. Most of the financial advisors wouldn’t recommend you to buy a term insurance plan. Because logically, term insurance is a pure protection plan. They help you solve the risks of death. It offers financial security to your family, in your absence.

  • Dealing With Your Loans

You recently gifted yourself a brand new bike. The EMI’s for the bike loan would get debited for the next 5 years from your salary. Between this, if something unforeseen happens, your family would be the one to deal with this. Term insurance would look after your financial liabilities once you are gone. Set your family free from your financial crisis, while they have already dealt with your loss.

  • Your Premiums Are Locked

A health insurance plan makes you pay an increasing premium each year. But, a term insurance plan would keep your premiums unchanged even with increasing age. So which means, term insurance provides you with the lowest premium for the rest of your policy period. Waiting to buy a term plan in your 30s, wouldn’t make sense. So, buy now because this is the best time to cover all your loans and liabilities.

  • Best Tax-saving Instrument

The premiums that you pay towards your term insurance would be eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C. The proceeds that your family receives as a death benefit is again tax-free under Section 10 (10D), under the Income Tax Act.

  • Not Good To Depend On Your Employer

It feels nice when your employer cares about you and your family’s future. But, you can’t rely on the term insurance plans offered by your organization. You are still at the beginning of your career in your mid-20s. Career growth and better opportunities are your goals. But, switching jobs for this purpose would terminate your insurance plans with your current employer. So, it’s better to invest in a term insurance plan individually to cover the death risk to your family.


Being a young adult and at the start of your career, investing in a term insurance would be a wise decision you ever made. Though death is unavoidable, term insurance can get you peace of mind to secure your family financially. Getting into a healthier financial life before you turn 25, would be the stepping stone to responsibilities.

Also read: 

What to Do With Your Term Life Insurance at the End of Term?

How Are Term Life Insurance Premiums Calculated?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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