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Tata AIA Life Term Insurance Customer Login Portal Information

Tata AIA is one of the leading life insurance companies in India. The company provides various life insurance products, including term insurance, retirement plans, ULIP plans, and numerous others. In addition to providing the best in the industry products, the company also provides an excellent customer experience. Whether you are a new user or an existing customer, you can simply log in to the Tata AIA portal. You can track all your policy documents and other related information through their online portal like TATA AIA Term Insurance Plans. 

Tata AIA Term Insurance Login

How to Login To Your Tata AIA Customer Portal? 

You can access all your term insurance policies through "My DiGiAccount." Listed below are the steps you need to follow. 

1. For Registered Users: 

If you’re a registered user of the company, then you can access your Tata AIA customer login through policy login via OTP or password. Here are the steps you can follow. 

  1. Visit the company’s official portal “My DigiAccount.”
  2. Choose the type of policy that is individual or non-individual. 
  3. Enter the required information such as mobile number, email address, and policy number. 
  4. Enter your date of birth and click the “Generate OTP” button. 

2. For New Users: 

In case you’re not registered on the Tata AIA customer portal, then you can access your Tata AIA customer login portal by following the below steps. 

  1. Browse the company’s official website. 
  2. On the home page, click on the customer login option under a drop-down menu. 
  3. Choose from individual or non-individual policy types. 
  4. Enter the required information in the necessary fields. 
  5. Click “Submit” to register yourself on the portal. 

How To Register on Tata AIA Online Portal? 

Listed below are the steps you can follow to register yourself on the Tata AIA online portal. 

  • Visit TATA AIA's official website.
  • A "Profile" symbol can be found in the top right corner of the home page. Different login choices will appear when you click on them.
  • You must then select "Customer Login" after that. You must register yourself if you are a first-time user. Click the blue word "Signup" to do it.
  • When you click on it, you will be prompted to provide your phone number, email address, policy number, and the policy owner's birthdate.
  • After accurately entering all the information, you must press the "submit" button.
  • You will be registered on the portal. 

What Should You Do if You Forget Your Login Password? 

Listed below are the steps to take if you forget your login information. 

  • Click "change/forgot password" on the same window where you log in to your policy portal. 
  • You will notice a blue "Forget Password" option on the new page. 
  • Just click it.
  • Enter your mobile number, email address, policy number, and date of birth. 
  • Click "Reset" when you have correctly input the information. 
  • You will receive a temporary password at the registered email address and mobile number. You can use the password to access your account.

Benefits of Using TATA AIA Life Insurance Login Page

  • Easy Access to Policy Documents: The portal has "MyDigiAccout" which allows to access and download the documents online.
  • Online Claim Settlement: Register your claims online and get them settled without any hustle.
  • Easy payments Online: You can easily pay the premiums online without standing in queues.
  • Updation of personal details: You can easily change your phone number, address and other details from the portal.


Tata AIA is a leading provider in the life insurance sector. Through the online portal of Tata AIA Life Insurance, you can access all your policy documents, such as policy statements, premium receipts, and others, with a few easy steps.

Also Read: 

Meaning of Term Insurance Portability




This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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