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Which Critical Illnesses Are Covered Under the ICICI Pru iProtect Smart Plan?

Term life insurance plans offer substantial coverage at a reasonable cost and have no maturity value. When you are gone, these policies financially safeguard your wife/husband, kids, or other nominees by providing coverage for you for a predetermined period of time.  

More than just a term plan, ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart safeguards you and your family members. Additionally, there is an option to include coverage for 34 serious conditions. Without any hospital fees, the request for this insurance is paid at the time of the initial diagnosis.

Critical Illnesses Covered Under ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart Plan

A number of illnesses covered under this particular prudential plan are listed ahead.

1. Cancer of a Specific Grade

a cancerous tumour marked by the invasion and destruction of healthy tissues as well as the unchecked growth and spread of cancerous cells. This diagnosis needs to be backed up by histological proof of cancer and verified by a pathologist lymphoma, lymphoma, and sarcoma are all considered types of cancer.

2. Heart Valve Surgery

In order to change or restore one or more heart valves due to flaws, anomalies, or disease-affected cardiac valves, open-heart valve surgery is really performed (s). An echocardiogram must validate the diagnostic of the defective valve, and a specialist doctor must approve surgery before it may be performed. 


the actual process of having open chest surgery to treat one or more blocked or constricted coronary arteries with a bypass artery graft. A coronary angiography must validate the diagnosis, and a specialist doctor must approve surgery before it may be performed.

4. Kidney Failure

Chronic, permanent failure of both kidneys to function is a symptom of end-stage renal disease, which necessitates the use of either periodic dialysis or renal transplantation. The diagnosis must be verified by a qualified medical professionals.  

5. Brain Surgery

the actual procedure of having brain surgery under general anaesthesia, which involves performing a craniotomy. Brain surgery required after an accident and burr holes are not included. Only after techniques to help have been performed will the benefit be paid, and the operation must be deemed essential by a licensed doctor.

6. Paralysis of Limbs

A spinal cord or brain injury or condition that results in the complete and irrevocable damage of use of 2 or more limbs. The paralysis must have been prevalent for more than three months and be determined by a specialist doctor to be irreversible with no chance of recovery.

 7. Alzheimer’s Disease

Worsening or decrease of intellectual capacity caused by Alzheimer's disease or other irreversible organic illnesses, as determined by clinical examination and imaging tests, resulting in a significant decline in cognitive and social functioning and necessitating ongoing care from the Life Assured This assessment must be backed up by the clinical evidence of a qualified registered medical professional who doubles as a neurologist, as well as by the company's designated physician. 


All in all, ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart Plan covers around 34 illnesses in total. This is a perfect term plan for you if you want to take care of your health bills in the future. You can invest your money in this policy and worry little less about your future.


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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