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Uninsured In Your 50s? Here is Why You Should Buy Term Insurance Today

In a situation where you have an old car that you purchased in your 40s, which is now outdated, you would consider buying a new car for the  convenience of your family. You would not delay buying a new car as it is a need rather than a luxury for your family.  

Similar is the case with buying a term life insurance policy, which is even more important than buying a car. But one of the challenges people face when buying term insurance is that they often fail to identify its need. Importance of other things such as the need to repair a home, or buying a new car can be easily identified, but identifying the need for term insurance and how much cover you should get, may require some extra effort to understand.  

No matter when you realise the importance of having a term insurance policy, you must get enough one with coverage for complete protection of your family in your absence.  

Reasons to Buy Term Insurance in 50s

A term insurance plan provides your dependents with financial support, in the misfortunate event of your death. So, if you can no longer take care of the future and financial requirements of your family, then a term insurance plan will help you the best to ensure sustenance for their lifestyle. 

Here is why you should think of buying a term insurance plan even if you do not already have it in your 50s: 

  1. Your kids may be financially dependent on you
  2. If you expect to continue working even after retirement age
  3. You may have a loan that will continue well even after your retirement
  4. You may have to leave a legacy for your grandchildren

So, if you are in your 50s and any of the above statements is true, then you must go for a term insurance policy and prepare for a relaxed retirement. 

Also read: Can I Claim Term Insurance Tax Benefits Under Section 80D?    

Why You Should Buy Term Insurance Policy Early 

The best time to buy a term insurance policy is as soon as you start earning. But if you did not buy it when you started earning, then the second best time is now. Here is why: 

  • Your family and dependents are more vulnerable financially in the early days of your career. 
  • As you age, the premium for term insurance rises, which remains the same throughout the year. So, if you buy term insurance when young, then you can save a lot on premium.
  • If you buy term insurance when young, then you get a chance to increase your life cover. Many insurance companies give you a chance to enhance your cover at events like marriage, childbirth, house purchase, etc. It proves to be fruitful as they help you save both money and effort.  


No matter in which age you plan to buy a term insurance plan, the basic principles of selection remain the same. So, in order to protect your family financially in case of events that you cannot control, you must consider several factors and choose the most suitable term insurance policy with maximum coverage. This will not only offer you utmost satisfaction, but also help you family the most in the times when you are not there with them.  

You May Also Like to Read- Should You Buy Add-Ons With a Term Insurance Plan?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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