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Types Of Death Not Covered Under A Life Insurance Policy

Term insurance plans have low premium rates and provide financial security to the insured's family in the event of a disaster. If the insured dies during the policy's term, the beneficiary receives a lump sum death payment. Even though term plans are the finest insurance option available, it is important to understand what types of deaths are covered or not covered by them in India. It is usually preferable to be aware of the terms and conditions of an insurance policy so that your family or dependents are not caught off guard in the event of your death. Let's look at the types of fatalities that aren't covered by term insurance.

What Types Of Deaths Are Not Covered Under A Life Insurance Policy?

The types of deaths not covered by term insurance policies are listed below.

1. Accidental Death Due to Intoxication 

If a death occurs as a result of the use of alcohol or other drugs while driving, the insurance company has the ability to deny the claim.

2. Homicide

If a policyholder is murdered within the policy's term, a comprehensive investigation is performed first to identify the perpetrator. If the nominee is proved to be implicated in the crime in any manner, he/she will not be paid by the insurer, at least until the case is proven not guilty and acquitted. In such circumstances, the insurance will normally withhold the settlement amount indefinitely until a resolution is reached.


If the death is caused by sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV or AIDS, the insurance provider will not accept the claim.

4. Suicide or Self-Inflicted Injuries

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has established a new suicide provision, which states that if a policyholder commits suicide within 12 months of the policy's inception, the insurer must pay the appropriate amount to the nominee. This restriction, however, only applies to linked plans. In the case of non-linked plans, the insurance provider will refund 80% of the total premiums paid within a 12-month period following the policy's start date. The death benefit will be compensated only if the policy premium has been paid consistently for at least 12 months. Furthermore, the insurance company will deny the claim if the death was caused by self-inflicted injury or other dangerous, adventurous action.

5. Natural Disaster

The life insurance company will not cover deaths resulting from a natural disaster unless the policyholder purchases an additional rider.

6. Other Instances

Pregnancy and childbirth-related deaths, pre-existing health issues, and involvement in illicit activities are among the causes of death that aren't protected by a life insurance policy either.


Apart from the conditions mentioned above, if the policyholder dies due to smoking, drinking, or substance consumption, the insurer may withhold the death benefit if the policyholder did not disclose this during the purchase. Insurance companies are normally wary of such lifestyle choices, and they may refuse to issue coverage to someone who exhibits them.

Also read - Reasons To Add Riders To Your Life Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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