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Top Online Term Insurance Plans

To ensure a prosperous future, it is important to start saving up from a young age. A term insurance plan is a convenient and affordable option. Term insurance plans provide an affordable avenue of savings and insurance. Their life cover helps you face the many dangers in life. Term plans make for the most cost-effective form of insurance.

Why Should You Buy a Term Insurance Plan Online?

There are various term insurance plans that are available online. Purchasing a term plan online is easy and convenient. It is also the more advantageous option because when buying online, you can browse through multiple plans at one go. This step is highly recommended to get the best term insurance plan. Online term insurance plans are also easier to maintain because you can simply visit the official website of the insurance provider to pay your premiums regularly. 

Top Online Term Insurance Plans

There are many insurance providers offering different term insurance plans online. They are mostly available on the official websites of the insurance company. Nevertheless, the following are some of the top term insurance plans.

Term Insurance Plan

Maximum Entry Age

Bharti AXA eProtect Term Plan

65 years

Edelweiss Tokio Life My Life + Plan

55 years

ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart

60 years

Shriram Life Cash Back Term Plan

50 years

TATA AIA Maha Raksha Supreme

70 years

*For almost all term insurance plans, the minimum entry age is usually 18 years.

  • Bharti AXA eProtect Term Plan

The Bharti AXA eProtect Term Plan is one of the best term insurance plans to provide for your family. It comes with family care benefits that give comprehensive protection for your family. You can pay the premiums annually or semi-annually, and choose the coverage you want.

  • Edelweiss Tokio Life My Life + Plan

The Edelweiss Tokio Life My Life + Plan is a limited pay term insurance plan that also has life cover for the spouse of the policyholder. This can be availed through its Better Half Benefit. Moreover, the death benefit can be availed in instalments.

  • ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart

The ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart is easily available online at the official ICICI website, It is an affordable and comprehensive term insurance plan that provides for many contingencies. You can even choose to pay the premium in a lump sum under this term insurance plan.

  • Shriram Life Cash Back Term Plan

Under the Shriram Life Cash Back Term Plan, policyholders can get their premiums returned when the plan matures. It has rider options to enhance the policy and is an affordable term insurance plan. 

  • TATA AIA Maha Raksha Supreme

The TATA AIA Maha Raksha Supreme provides all-around protection and important life cover for policyholders. You can also opt for whole life coverage up to 100 years of age with this term plan. Additionally, women and non-smokers can enjoy lower premium rates.


Purchasing term insurance plans online is the better option. The above term insurance plans are some of the best ones available.

Also read 

Why Do You Need A Term Insurance Plan?

Best Term Insurance Plans For Women

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.        

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