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Know How to Choose a Best Term Insurance Plan

Term insurance is the most basic type of insurance you can obtain for yourself. However, it is critical to evaluate your needs as well as follow certain processes that will assist you in selecting the best term insurance plan for yourself. In India, there are several insurance companies that offer a variety of term insurance plans designed to cover a wide range of situations.

There are now limited pay plans, increasing coverage plans, staggered payout plans, return of premium plans, and dozens of other options. While this abundance of options is beneficial, it is also making it difficult for most of us to choose which plan to purchase. In this article, you can read about the factors that you should keep in mind to purchase the best plan for you. 

Factors To Consider To Purchase The Right Term Insurance

While purchasing term insurance, the following are the points that you should consider- 

1. Assess Your Needs

The very first step in purchasing an insurance policy is determining your coverage requirements. Calculate the amount of coverage you believe your family will require in the coming years, and then shop for plans accordingly.

2. Which Term Plan to Choose 

Your financial situation will change as you progress in life. Choose a term plan that considers these dangling situations and needs. Here are the distinctions between the four types of term plans and how they may be useful.

  • Level Term Insurance- Level term insurance entails paying a fixed premium for the duration of the policy. This is a standard term insurance policy.
  • Decreasing Term Insurance-Different stages of life are distinguished by different liabilities. During the early years, one may be responsible for loan repayments, children, siblings, or elderly parents. However, after your children and siblings are able to support themselves and your loan repayments have been successfully completed, You have fewer dependents to care for. This will automatically reduce your insurance coverage requirements. Decreasing plans are ideal in these situations because the sum assured decreases by a fixed percentage each year.
  • Increasing Term Insurance- Under this plan, the sum assured amount will be increased by a predetermined percentage to account for rising costs due to inflation. Increased costs necessitate expanded coverage, which is where expanding insurance plans come in handy.
  • Monthly Income Plan- The sum assured benefit is paid out in regular monthly instalments under this plan to assist the beneficiaries in meeting monthly recurring expenses.

3. Term Insurance Premium

Premiums for term insurance: Premiums are an important factor that heavily influences a person's decision to purchase or not purchase a plan. The premiums charged by various companies for term insurance plans vary greatly. However, pricing does not define a plan's efficiency or the provider's dependability. An expensive plan does not always imply that it provides the best benefits. Similarly, a low-cost plan will not necessarily be ineffective. 

4. Term Insurance Riders

Aside from death, there are several other risks that can jeopardise the financial stability of your dependents, such as accidents, critical illness diagnosis, accidental disability, and so on. A rider is an add-on benefit that helps protect against such risks and can be added to the base policy for an additional premium. When selecting an insurer, look for one that offers a variety of rider options. Accidental death rider, Premium waiver rider, Accidental disability rider, Accelerated sum assured rider, Critical illness rider, and Hospitalization benefit rider are some of the more common types of riders available. 

5. Reputation of The Company

Aside from the claim ratio and solvency ratio, there are a few other factors to consider when evaluating an insurer's reputation. These include the insurer's corporate governance record, assets under management (AUM), and the number of times it has violated IRDAI rules.

Take Away

Term life insurance policies can provide financial security while also protecting you and your loved ones. People from all walks of life and with a wide range of needs can apply for the plan, which has a simple application process. Thus, make sure to compare different policies before making the purchase.  

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