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Know All About SBI Claim Process

If you are an SBI Life Insurance policy holder you must know these important things about claims and maturity. In times like these when the country is grappling with a lockdown and incomes have squeezed, urgent requirement of money can occur anytime and foreknowledge can make your work easy

If you are an SBI Life Insurance policy holder you must know these important things about claims and maturity.  In times like these when the country is grappling with a lockdown and incomes have squeezed, urgent requirements of money can occur anytime and foreknowledge can make your work easy. The life insurance policies are provided by SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd.

SBI Life Insurance Company claims to give its customers a hassle-free claim intimation and settlement process, so that you or your family get your entitlements quickly and easily. 

How To File A Claim For SBI Life Insurance?

The claims can be filed via online mode or you can also visit the nearest company branch. Always carry all the supporting documents related to your claims.  

Via Online: 

To file your claim online, all you have to do is to visit the website. Enter your policy number, date of birth and claim type -- living benefits or death claims. You will be required to enter a code and be asked to ‘Submit’ the information.  

You can also send an email at 

Via Offline: 

At the SBI Life Branch, the documents to be submitted for each type of claim are clearly listed in the section below: 
1. Claim Form 
2. Original Policy Document 
3. Original or Attested Death Certificate issued by local authority 
4. Claimant’s current address proof 
5. Claimant’s photo ID proof 

Direct Credit Mandate form (download sign) Claimant’s Valid bank passbook/statement or Canceled Cheque with pre-printed Name and pre-printed Bank account number 

The company branch may even request for additional documents for checking the admissibility of the claim (in case it is applicable to you): 
1. Medical attendant’s certificate 
2. Hospital treatment certificate 
3. Employer’s certificate (for salaried individuals) 
4. Copy of FIR/Panchnama Report/Post Mortem
5. Copy of Inquest Report/Police Final Report/Chemical Analysis Report/Magistrate’s verdict 


SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd is one of the leading Life Insurance companies in India. It is a joint venture between India’s largest bank State Bank of India and the leading global insurance company BNP Paribas Cardif. 

You may also like: 5 Regulatory Moves Taken By IRDAI That Have Improved The Life Insurance Sector

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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