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Is Covid-19 Covered In Life Insurance Policies?

Whole world right now is struggling with a terrible health disease - Coronavirus. This disease has spread like a fire and has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO).  Due to Coronavirus approximately 17.2 Cr lives  have been claimed in a year. This global pandemic has forced people to think about all the worst case scenarios that could happen to their loved ones in their absence.

An individual purchases a life insurance policy to ensure that he has enough life coverage from any unexpected situations and this life insurance also offers enough financial protection to an individual’s family members in their absence. This is the reason why life insurance becomes important in such times. Life insurance policies provide death benefit to the claimant in the event of the insured’s demise, that is if the insured passes away because of COVID-19. The nominee/beneficiary mentioned in the policy by the policyholder are entitled to claim benefits if the insured passes away due to COVID-19 outbreak. Some insurance companies also provide financial protection for the all hospitalization expenses incurred while the treatment for Coronavirus.

Does Life Insurance Cover Death Due to COVID-19 in India?

In such cases where no one is immune due to a global illness spreading it is necessary to ensure that your family does not suffer when you are gone. Life insurance in the new normal is necessary. A question that constantly arises in this situation is will the premium increase if death due to COVID-19 is included in the life insurance policy. If death due to COVID-19 is included in the life insurance policy that does not indicate that the premiums of the life insurance will increase and this does not affect the calculation of the premium for new life insurance policy also as long as the applicant does not have any medical history of being diagnosed with COVID-19.  
Most common doubt among people nowadays is, “Does my life insurance cover COVID-19” or “If I purchase life insurance will COVID-19 be covered in it?.” Answer to this most recurring question is yes. 

Yes, COVID-19 is now covid under newly purchased or existing life insurance policy. In case the life assured passes away during the policy term due to COVID-19, his or her family members will receive a death benefit. Some insurance providers also provide cover for all the hospital expenses incurred for the treatment of COVID-19.Matter of fact, COVID-19 Insurance plans have been specially designed which will help you ensure that you have resources for treatment of this disease. COVID-19 cover is in-built i.e. no additional charges are required for COVID-19 cover. 

In case you have already been infected by this disease and you want to purchase a life insurance plan, you won’t be able to because it is necessary to undergo a medical examination to purchase life insurance.


If you have an existing life insurance policy even if it is a term insurance plan you are covered for this global illness that is spreading across the world and your family is entitled to death benefits if the cause of death is COVID-19. However, this a wake up call for all those who haven’t purchased a life insurance policy till date because in this crucial time you can ensure that your family has sufficient financial resources even in your absence that can be caused by this disease. 

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