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Important Benefits Of Term Life Insurance Renewal

Life is very unpredictable, and no amount of planning can keep a person safe or secured at all times. However, knowing this fact, everyone implements different methods to protect themselves and their family and minimize the risk. One such method of providing financial protection to yourself and your family is to take a term life insurance policy. Term life insurance is specifically designed to provide financial protection to the family of the life assured in case of an unforeseen demise of the life assured. A failure to renew the term life insurance policy can result in policy lapse which may result in financial loss at the time of an unforeseen demise of the life assured.

As a responsible being, there must be no carelessness when it comes to renewal of a term insurance policy. Failure to renew the term insurance policy may lead to lapse of the policy and you will no longer be able to avail the benefits of the policy.

Important Benefits Of Term Life Insurance Renewal

Below mentioned are some reasons why renewal of term life insurance policy is essential:

  • Requires No Medical Examination Required

    When you fail to renew your term insurance policy, you may have to purchase a new term insurance which requires a medical examination to evaluate the risk coverage. When you choose to renew your term insurance policy, there is no medical examination required. Hence, it is better for you to have timely renewal of your term insurance policy instead of purchasing a new one. 
  • Ensures Continued Financial Security

    The main objective to purchase a term insurance policy is to provide financial protection to your family in case of your untimely demise. However, if you fail to renew your policy on time, the plan loses its purpose. Renewing your term insurance policy is essential to protect your family from facing a  financial crisis in case of your untimely demise. It is very important to renew your policy on time to ensure continuous financial security for your family. 
  • Avoid Higher Premiums

    When you buy term insurance, the insurance provider considers your age, lifestyle, gender, weight etc. to determine the premium for the policy. If you fail to renew your term insurance policy, you may have to purchase a new term insurance policy. It is advised to purchase a term insurance plan at a young age as you can avail comprehensive coverage at lower premiums, if you fail to renew your term insurance policy, you may need to purchase a new one and may not be able to avail comprehensive coverage at low premiums.  

To Conclude

Renewing your term insurance policy is essential to avoid policy lapse. You can ensure continuous financial security for your, avoid medical examination, avoid higher premiums and avail tax benefits. 

Also read: 

Should You Have Multiple Life Insurance Policies?

Common Terms Used Under A Life Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.        

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