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Impact of Smoking on Health And Life Insurance Premiums

It is very well-known how harmful smoking is to our health. It has devastating long term effects that can ruin our lives. However, this habit can also significantly impact your health and life insurance policy.

The chances of death from smoking are high and so are the chances of contracting critical or terminal illnesses like cancer. Therefore, a person who smokes is a highly risky person in the eyes of insurance companies. Although there is no restriction for such individuals from buying a life insurance plan, they have to face higher premiums than other non-smoking policy-holders.

Impact of Smoking on Your Life Insurance Premium

When you apply for a health or life insurance plan, you have to disclose your lifestyle habits as well as health concerns. Not only can your health check-up reveal ugly surprises, your status as a smoker will also put you under scrutiny.

Applicants are generally asked about their smoking history for the past twelve months. This cannot be hidden as your health checkup report will reveal the results even if you lie. However, if you have not smoked for the past 12 months, you can appeal for non-smoker status.

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Smoking can lead to many illnesses such as:

  • Lung problems
  • Cancer
  • Heart diseases
  • Lower fertility
  • Pregnancy complications

Almost all of the above problems and more frequently leads to deaths. This is a disadvantage when it comes to applying for health or life insurance policies. The applicant in such a case possesses a high risk and generally has to pay a higher premium. Since there are high chances of a claim settlement, the high premium helps to reach the target value in a shorter time.

Impact of Your Age and Health Conditions on Your Life Insurance Premium

The older you get, the more will be your years as a smoker, and the more likely you are to possess health risks. To avoid paying a higher premium due to both your age and as a smoker, purchase a health or life insurance plan at the earliest. This will help you get a comparably lesser premium and invest a greater deal with your policy term and coverage being more. Moreover, this can also help motivate you to quit smoking.

You can also appeal for a non-smoker status after your life insurance plan has been issued. If you quit smoking for a significant amount of time, like 8 to 12 months, you can appeal with your health or life insurance company or agent to lower your premiums.

Also Read:- What Is The Impact of Age on Life Insurance Premiums?


Therefore, the impact of smoking on your health and life insurance premium is significant. However, do not let this keep you from purchasing a health or life insurance plan because that is essential. Instead, try and quit smoking, using this as a driving force.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.           

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