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How to Select the Term Insurance Plan in 2021?

Life is full of unpredictable happenings. A life insurance policy might serve as a financial safety net for your family in such an event. This plan will serve as a source of income for your family members. However, when it comes to making the ultimate decision to buy a term plan, most of us are unsure about the amount of life insurance to buy, the policy period, and the type of policy to buy. Read on to find some pointers to guide you in making an informed decision.

How to Select the Term Insurance Plan in 2021?

Here are some of the tips to help you select the best term insurance plan for yourself.

1. Evaluate Your Responsibilities

At different periods of life, your dependent family members may change. A single individual's financial duties differ from those of a married or childless person. The amount of the insurance policy should be determined accordingly. Moreover, you should remember to keep an eye on the future and make preparations for increased financial responsibilities.

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2. Consider Your Family Lifestyle

While dependent family members are considered, the degree of coverage is mostly determined by your family's present lifestyle. Calculate the amount of money you'll need to maintain your current lifestyle, remembering to account for inflation, and then arrange your life insurance accordingly. Whether you are the family's lone breadwinner or a contributing member to the family's collective income, you should choose a cover amount that is equal to the amount of money required to cover your family's daily expenses.

3. Estimate Your Loan/Debt Repayment Obligations

Individuals who earn a living are frequently burdened by overdue loans such as short-term loans, personal loans, home loans, and car loans. It is crucial to include the amount repayable of outstanding loans in the life cover taken out to avoid the burden of EMI repayment falling on your family.

4. Choose A Trustworthy Insurance Provider

Selecting a reliable insurer is necessary to avoid the nightmare of claim rejection when the time comes. Life insurance companies must have an effective claims settlement process to deliver on their promise of monetary payouts. The claim settlement ratio is a numerical figure representing the number of claims that have been settled versus those filed. The higher the claim settlement ratio, the more likely you are to receive the full sum insured amount.

5. Buy Appropriate Riders

Aside from the death benefit provided by a term insurance plan, several riders provide additional coverage. Riders such as disability coverage, loss of employment coverage, critical illness coverage and premium waiver coverage can be added for a little additional price. These riders add a lot of value to the standard term plan you bought.

Take Away

If you look closely, you'll see that your family requires money for three major reasons: regular income to cover home bills, investments for future goals such as higher education and marriage for children, a retirement fund for the spouse, and money to pay off any debts. With a good term insurance plan, you would be able to fit your financial goals with your changing life needs.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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