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How To Check Kotak Life Insurance Policy Status?

Checking policy status is an essential process while having a life insurance policy. Every customer should have up to date information regarding their policies. Being aware of the procedure makes the customer know whether their policy is active or not. Regular checking of the policy status can make the policy holder aware of the maturity date of their approach. 

Policies can be checked online or offline. Both are discussed below at length. 

How To Check Kotak Life Insurance Policy Status Online?

1. For Existing Customers

Checking the policy online is a comfortable method as the policy holders can go through their policies anytime and anywhere. To get the Kotak life insurance policy status online customer's need to register on the company's official website with their mail id as their username and password of their own. After this process the policy holder can get any information about their policies by registering their policy number. Login ID is available for the customers who have already signed up on the website. 

2. For New Customers

The new customers need to sign up with their details and register as a user. Once the signing up is successful, they can log in and check any information they need about their policies. The official website of Kotak has a chat support option known as Kaya at the right bottom corner. Customers can also ask any queries regarding their policies through that option. 

How To Check Kotak Life Insurance Policy Offline?

Offline mode is available for customers who'd like to have direct interaction with the company. The customers should bring all the necessary documents about the policy and the ID proofs while going to their branch near their location. The branch officials will address their concerns and will clear any doubts of their customers. 

Take Away

Kotak Life Insurance Company Ltd is one of the rapidly growing insurance companies in India. They have covered around 30 million life insurance policies over the country. They are working to become the safest insurance in the country. They have a professional approach. 

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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