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Do You Want To Check The Status Of Your LIC Policy? Know How To Do That!

You can buy any plan as per your suitability. To buy the plan, you are required to fill up a proposal form with your relevant information and submit the form with your documents. The first instalment premium would also have to be paid when the proposal form is submitted.

Once the form is submitted, LIC underwrites your risk and then issues you your insurance policy. After your LIC policy is issued, you might want to check your policy details. Even when you are an existing customer, you might want to check the status of your policy to check the term left, the surrender value, the bonus earned so far (if any) and any other relevant details of your policy.

Checking your LIC India policy’s status can be done without visiting LIC’s branch offices. LIC allows its customers with easy ways to check the status of their policy. The status of a LIC policy can be checked in any of the following ways:

  • Online
  • Through an SMS
  • By calling the customer care number of the company

Things To Remember When Checking LIC Policy Details Online 

When you are a new customer and are creating your user ID and password for the first time, here are some things which you should keep in mind –

  • Your policy number would be required. Therefore, you should keep the details of your LIC policy handy
  • You have the flexibility of choosing any user ID which you want. Your user ID can be alphabetical, numerical and it can have characters like a dot or an underscore
  • The length of your password should be between 8 and 30 characters. Set a password which you would be able to remember easily. Your password should be unique and kept confidential to prevent any fraudulent activities in your account
  • The details which are marked with an asterix (*) are mandatory. You would have to provide such details to proceed further and register or log into your account
  • Your area PIN Code should be a 6-digit number
  • The email ID which you provide when signing up should be valid so that it can be used for any type of communication later on
  • Your user ID should be unique. If it matches an existing ID you would be informed and you would have to choose a unique ID for your account

How To Check The Status Of LIC Policy Details Online?

To check the status of your LIC policy, the steps are as follows –

  • Visit and go to ‘Customer Portal’
  • Choose ‘Registered User’ and log into your LIC online account
  • Choose the LIC policy number whose status you want to check
  • As you select the policy, the policy details page will open which would show the status of your LIC policy

How To Check The Status Of LIC Policy Through SMS?

LIC also allows you to check the status and other policy details through a simple SMS. You have to SMS from your registered mobile number and you get the answer through revert SMS on the same phone.

How To Check Policy Status Through Customer Care?

LIC has dedicated customer zones which help you with any type of LIC policy query that you have. The customer zones are active from Monday to Saturday and provide personalised assistance for all your insurance related queries, information, service requests, etc.


Timely check, therefore, keeps you updated about your existing policy and you can plan your finances accordingly. You can easily check your LIC policy’s status in different ways. Make the most of the facilities provided by LIC and keep a tab on your LIC policies to know your coverage.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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