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Benefits of Investing in PPF

The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a prominent long-term savings system that focuses on inspiring little savings, such as investments, and earning returns on them. PPF stands for Public Provident Fund, which is a government-sponsored savings plan with a decent rate of interest and investment gains. When it comes time to retire, this plan is frequently employed as a prerequisite for financial demands. It has a 15-year term that can be extended by additional five years at the request of the subscriber. Partial withdrawal is permissible only in exceptional circumstances.

Benefits of Investing In PPF

Stated below are some of the key benefits of investing in PPF

1. Tax Related Benefits

Under Section 80C of the IT Act of 1961, the Public Provident Fund gives tax benefits. The money invested in the scheme is eligible for income tax deductions up to Rs.1.5 lakh. The EEE (Exempt-Exempt-Exempt) taxation model is used by PPF, which means that both the interest and the maturity amount are tax-free.

2. Loan Provisions

Customers can borrow money against their PPF account at a reasonable interest rate. The loan benefit is available from the third to the sixth year after the account is opened. It's especially advantageous for investors who want to apply for short-term loans without pledging any assets as collateral.

3. Recurring Profits

Investors seeking steady returns as well as the safety of their principal. It is a safer investing strategy because of the governmental guarantee. Invest any spare cash or set aside a portion of your income to earn profits through the PPF scheme's safe investment.

4. Account Extension Option

A PPF account has a 15-year maturation period. You can, however, extend your PPF account in five-year increments using the 'PPF Account Extension Form.' You can do this as often as you like. The policyholder will feel more at ease as a result of this.

5. Partial Withdrawal of Policy

PPF account balances can usually only be fully withdrawn at maturity, which is after 15 years. After 15 years, an account holder's full balance in the PPF account, including earned interest, can be freely withdrawn, and the account can be terminated.

6. Ending Policy Mid-Way

Although a PPF is intended to be a long-term investment, it can be closed early. Its purpose is to help investors by utilising their funds when they are in desperate need. Only after 5 years is it possible to withdraw all of the money that has been invested. For premature closing, the rate of interest (ROI) is 1% lower than the existing rate.

It should be emphasised, however, that closing the policy before the maturity period is only possible under particular circumstances.


PPF is one of India's most popular small-savings plans for long-term investments. It's a popular debt option because it guarantees a return.Because it is tax-free, exempt, and exempt, it is also more tax-efficient than most other instruments, such as bank fixed deposits (FDs) (EEE). Investments, interest, and accumulations in a PPF (Public Provident Fund) are entirely tax-free. It's usually a good idea to put money into a PPF at the start of the year. If you handle things this way, you will earn interest on your deposits for the entire year.

You may also like to read - What Should I Choose - ELSS Or PPF?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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