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All about HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan

Being among the leading life insurance providers, HDFC Life offers a range of individual and group life insurance policies to meet distinct demands related to health, financial protection, savings, investment and pension. A term insurance plan offers extensive financial coverage to the policyholder’s family in the occurrence of an unforeseen event within the policy term's end. 

HDFC Life Insurance offers an individual term insurance plan called HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Plan which serves the changing personal needs according to different stages of life. Read on to learn about the features, benefits and options provided under the same.

Features of HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan

Some of the features of the HDFC Click 2 Protect plan are given below.

  1. Plan Options: The HDFC Click 2 Protect policy comes with 3 plan options namely Life Protect Option, Life & Critical Illness (CI) Option, and Income Plus Option.
  2. Premium Payment Terms: The plan offers various premium payment terms (PPTs) - Single Pay, Regular Pay, and Limited Pay of 5, 10, and 15 years depending upon the plan option chosen by you.
  3. Minimum and Maximum Entry Age: The minimum age for entry in the plan is 18 years for plan option 1 and 2 and 30 years for plan option 3. The maximum entry age for the plan is 65 years for plan option 1 and 2, and 50 years for plan option 3.  
  4. Policy Term: The plan comes with a wide array of policy terms which can be as short as 1 month and as long as the whole life of the life assured. The availability of choice of the policy terms depends on the plan option chosen.
  5. Minimum Basic Sum Assured: The minimum basic sum assured under the plan stands at Rs. 50,000 for plan option 1 and 3 and at Rs. 20 Lakh for plan option 2.
  6. Maximum Basic Sum Assured: There is no limit on the maximum amount of the basic sum assured under the plan, however, the same is subject to the underwriting approval of the company board.
  7. Return of Premium Option: This choice is applicable only on the Life & Critical Illness Rebalance and Life Protect (Fixed Term) plan options. Through this, an additional premium over the premium payable on the base plan has to be paid to achieve a return of total premiums paid as a lump sum, if you survive until the policy term’s end. 
  8. Waiver of Premium on Critical Illness Option: The Life Protect plan option (Fixed Term) with a premium paying term of at least 5 years should be purchased to enjoy this benefit. Under this, all future premium payments are waived off if the life assured is diagnosed with a critical illness. 
  9. Accidental Death Benefit Option: Applicable only on the Life Protect option, the benefit offers an additional amount equal to the basic sum assured to the beneficiary if the life assured dies due to an accident within the policy term’s end.
  10. Rider Options: To help you customise the policy, HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan offers 3 rider options namely Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider, Critical Illness Plus Rider, and Protect Plus Rider.

HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan Plan Options in Detail

The policy provides 3-plan options which are mentioned below.

1. Life Protect Option

Under this variant, the lump-sum is provided to the beneficiary after the demise of the policyholder. The age range for fixed term is 18 - 65 years whereas it is 45 - 65 years for whole life.

2. Life & CI Rebalance Option

Under this option, the Critical Illness cover increases proportionally to the decrease in the life cover at each policy anniversary. The age range is 18 - 65 years.

3. Income Plus Option

Under this option, a regular monthly income is paid to life assured after the age of 60 years. The age range for fixed term is 30 - 50  years whereas it is 45 - 55 years for whole life.

Benefits of HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan

Some of the benefits of HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan are given below -

1. Death Benefit

The death benefit is paid in a lump sum whose sum assured depends upon the plan purchased.

2. Maturity Benefit

If the life assured survives until the plan's maturity, the insurance provider pays the sum assured on maturity. Further benefits depend on the plan purchased. 

3. Benefit on Diagnosis of Critical Illness

If the life assured is diagnosed with a critical illness, the applicable critical illness cover is paid in addition to the waiver of future premium payment. 

HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan Riders

Riders can be attached to your term insurance plan to ensure protection from health and income risks. Here are some of the riders provided under HDFC Click 2 Protect Plan.

  • HDFC Life Critical Illness Plus Rider - If the life assured survives the 30 days after the diagnosis of a critical illness, a lump sum benefit equal to the sum insured would  be provided.
  • HDFC Life Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider - If the life assured becomes permanently disabled due to an accident, a monthly income equal to 1% of the sum assured will be provided for a fixed period of 10 years. 
  • HDFC Life Protect Plus Rider - The life assured will be given a proportion of the rider sum assured as per the different options of unfortunate events provided under the rider. 


It is advisable that a significant financial decision like buying an insurance policy should be made after a detailed inspection of different policies offered by various insurance providers. With its different plan options and benefits, HDFC Click 2 Protect plan can be a good policy to consider while buying a term insurance plan. 

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