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3 Crucial Mistakes To Avoid While Purchasing A Life Insurance Policy

One of the best investments you can make for yourself and your loved ones is to purchase life insurance. A life insurance policy can be obtained for a variety of reasons, including financial protection for your family in the event of the breadwinner's untimely death, accomplishing long and short term financial goals such as your child's marriage or higher studies, retirement planning and so on. 

Selecting the best life insurance option to meet your future needs and the future dreams of your family demands a detailed examination of the services you want from your life insurance policy. Furthermore, if you don't analyse things from the beginning, make hasty judgments, and terminate your insurance too soon, it can cost you a lot of money. So, let's take a look at some of the errors to avoid while buying a life insurance plan.

What are the 3 Crucial Mistakes To Avoid While Purchasing A Life Insurance Policy?

Here are 3 crucial mistakes that prudent policyholders must avoid while purchasing life insurance.

Not Having a Clear Objective 

Most of the policyholders generally purchase a life insurance plan to save money and avoid income tax levied on their earnings. They blatantly ignore that the fundamental goal of a life insurance policy is to protect and care for the life assured's dependents financially in the case of his/her early demise. You should make sure you understand why you're buying a life insurance policy when someone offers it to you. You can choose the type of life insurance you want after you've put down your financial goals. You can even request a need analysis from your financial advisor or insurance agent if you need help determining this.

Insufficient Life Coverage

The family of the sole breadwinner can be in financial hardship if he/she dies, and the death benefits received by the nominee are insufficient to meet the financial demands and requirements of the dependents. Hence, it's necessary to make sure you have appropriate insurance coverage by considering your monthly mortgage payments, your children's education and wedding costs, your parent's needs, and any other financial responsibilities. You can also determine your needs using online life insurance calculators accessible on an insurer's website. You should note that if a life insurance coverage does not satisfy the actual requirements, the purpose of purchasing it is negated.

Limited Research

Knowing the various options available in the life insurance market can help you make informed decisions about where you want to invest your money, depending on your specific needs and requirements. A term plan, for example, merely protects the family against the possibility of the life assured's death by providing coverage at a cheap cost, but there are no maturity benefits. Furthermore, unit-linked insurance plans can help you save for long-term financial goals like a child's college education or a wedding. With ULIP plans, you can even expect your investment to increase because a percentage of the premium paid is invested in the market, and the rest of the portion of the premium is used for life coverage. Whole life insurance policies, endowment plans, and other types of plans are also available.


It's essential to avoid the mistakes mentioned above by understanding your rights and responsibilities, as well as the policy contract terms. Furthermore, having a trustworthy insurance provider that can assist you honestly during the duration of your policy is essential.

Also read - How To Choose The Correct Sum Assured Of Term Plan ?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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