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Canara HSBC OBC User Reviews

153 reviews Rate This
Claim Settlement Ratio97.10%
Death Benefit Paid For1,252 Policies
Presence9,500 Branches
Total Death Benefit Paid106.53 Crore
Rating of Canara HSBC OBC
Based on
153 User reviews

Secured payment modes

All the payment modes available are safe and secured, so when I was buying the Canara HSBC OBC iSelect Smart plan on InsuranceDekho, payment modes were safe. Thus, while paying the Canara HSBC OBC iSelect Smart plan premium, I faced no problem. 

Anshu Soni
On: Nov 08, 2022 | Views

Popularly Opted Term Insurance Sum Assured

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  • Tax benefit upto 1,50,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
  • 80 Lacs+ happy customers

Term Insurance News

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Claim Process at Canara HSBC Term Insurance

  • 1

    Claim Intimation

    In the case of death of the life assured, a claim intimation to the insurance company must be made as early as possible.
  • 2

    Submission of Documents

    Claim form, death certificate, original policy document, and more documents must be submitted to ensure smooth claim settlement.
  • 3

    Claim Evaluation

    Once the documents are submitted, the insurance company will conduct thorough evaluation of the claim filed.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    If claim request is approved, claim settlement is done within 30 days. If additional investigation is required, it make take 6 months.


  • What is the maximum policy term under Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance term insurance plans?

    The maximum policy term under the iSelect Star Term Plan is 62 years, except for the whole life coverage where it is fixed at 99 years minus the age of the policyholder at entry. Under the POS Easy Bima Plan, it is 20 years.

  • When should be the ideal time to purchase a Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance term insurance policy?

    It depends on the situation. Students can go for a term insurance policy when entering college to guard against liabilities like education loans. The perfect time to do so is between 33 to 40 years as it secures your family against financial risks. However, anyone between 18 and 65 years can avail the term insurance policy.

  • Is there any maximum amount of insurance in the Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance term insurance policy?

    In the case of the POS -Easy Bima Plan, it is Rs 15 lakhs. In the iSelect Star Term Insurance policy, it is Rs 3 crores for Accidental Death Benefit policies and Rs 1 crore for Accidental Total Partial Disability policies.

  • What is the maximum maturity age in the Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance term insurance policy?

    In the case of the whole life coverage plan, it is 99 years, whereas, for the standard insurance plan, it is 80 years for the maturity of a Canara OBC term insurance policy.  

  • What is the prime benefit of obtaining a Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance term insurance policy?

    The prime benefit available at Canara HSBC OBC is that you can insure your life for a high sum by paying a low premium.