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Sahara India Life Insurance Plans

Sahara India Life Insurance offers different life insurance plans which are designed to meet the varying needs of customers. The types of plans offered are outlined below:

  • Term Assurance Plans
  • Money Back Plans
  • Unit-Linked Insurance Plans
  • Endowment Plans
  • Group Insurance Plans

Sahara India Life Insurance provides a comprehensive range of insurance plans. You can go for a plan that best fits your individual requirements as well as budget.

Sahara India Life Term Insurance Plans

Sahara India Life Insurance offers only one term plan. It has been explained below:

  • Sahara Life Suraksha Kavach Plan: Sahara Life Suraksha Kavach Plan is a non-participating term insurance plan offering high coverage at low charges.This plan is a pure term plan offering just death benefits. Five years is provided to the policyholder in case of revival of lapsed policies. In case the policy holder dies, the nominee gets the sum assured under the plan. The plan does not have maturity benefits. Life Insurance premiums which amount up to Rs. 1,00,000 are considered as a deduction from the taxable income each year under section 80C.

Sahara India Money Back Insurance Plans

Sahara India Life Insurance offers 3 money back insurance plans, which are explained below:

  • Sahara Payback Jeevan Bima: It is a guaranteed money back policy with money being received on regular intervals. The policy also gives protection in the unforeseen events. The minimum sum insured is Rs. 75,000/- and maximum is Rs. 1 crore.
  • Sahara Dhanvriddhi Jeevan Bima: This is a one premium plan which provides guaranteed returns at regular intervals. It also provides life cover along with the premium amount when policy matures. The minimum sum insured is Rs. 50,000/- and maximum amount is Rs. 1 crore.
  • Sahara Dhanvarsha Jeevan Bima: The plan gives you a guaranteed double benefit of lump sum at regular intervals and cover at unforeseen events. The minimum sum insured is Rs 75,000/- and there is no maximum amount.

Sahara India Life Insurance Unit-Linked Plans

Sahara India Life Insurance offers 3 Unit-Linked Plans as discussed below:

  • Sahara Sanchit Jeevan Bima: Sahara Sanchit Jeevan Bima Plan is a ULIP that offers complete safety from volatile equity market as well as insurance coverage under a single plan. It has multiple investment options according to the risk appetite of the policyholder.
  • Sahara Utkarsh Jeevan Bima Plan: Sahara Utkarsh Jeevan Bima Plan is a Unit-Linked Insurance Plan which is specifically designed for customers having a high risk appetite and increased amount of sum assured. It is a plan with a single pay or regular pay premium payment option.
  • Sahara Sugam Jeevan Bima: Sahara Sugam Jeevan Bima is a Unit-Linked Insurance Plan. It offers policyholders the flexibility to select the plan according to their risk appetite and financial objective.

Sahara India Life Insurance Endowment Plans

Sahara India Life Insurance offers the following three endowment plans:

  • Sahara Shrestha Nivesh Jeevan Bima: This life insurance policy by Sahara India is a single premium plan. The minimum age required to get this policy is 9 years and the minimum amount insured is Rs. 30,000/-. The maximum possible age of maturity for this policy is 70 years (age of policyholder ).
  • Sahara Shubh Nivesh Jeevan Bima: The policy is a single premium plan with 10 years of fixed policy term. The plan offers slightly more liquidity. The minimum insured amount is Rs. 50,000/-. The minimum entry age is 9 years and maximum entry age is 60 years. There is a maximum maturity age of 70 years under this plan.
  • Sahara Dhan Sanchay Jeevan Bima: It is a traditional endowment plan that offers dual benefits of insurance coverage as well as wealth creation. The plan offers you steady income as benefits along with life cover. The policy term is at least 15 years and the minimum amount insured is Rs. 50,000/-.

Sahara India Life Group Insurance Plans

Sahara India Life Insurance offers the following plan under its group insurance plans category:

  • Sahara Samooh Suraksha: The plan requires a minimum group size of 50 members. The minimum premium from each member has to be Rs. 5000/-. The minimum entry age is 18 years and the maximum entry age is 64 years.

Term Life Insurance Premium Calculator


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Disclaimer :
1. Premium has been calculated for coverage till 60 years
2. Final Plan Eligibility will depend on some other factors including tobacco habits, education, occupation and income of the life assured / proposer

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  • Nice Purchase

    Thank you InsuranceDekho for suggesting the Sahara Life Insurance Plan. I am glad to have bought this life insurance policy through your online platform. It was easy and comfortable to buy from the InsuranceDekho website.

    Sahara India
    By Shubham Goel
    On: Jan 08, 2024
  • A top-rated plan

    Based on customer reviews, the Sahara Dhan Sanchay Jeevan Bima plan is one of the top-rated plans. So, I went with the customer reviews and instantly bought the Sahara Dhan Sanchay Jeevan Bima plan from InsuranceDekho.

    Sahara India
    By Farhan Khan
    On: Jan 23, 2023
  • Amazing features were availabl...

    The Sahara Dhan Sanchay Jeevan Bima plan available on InsuranceDekho had so many amazing features that I was compelled to buy it without any hesitation. It was not just reasonably priced but was designed in such a way that all my needs were met.

    Sahara India
    By Vaishnavi Chaudhary
    On: Oct 13, 2022
  • Got personalised advice at hom...

    The best part about buying the Sahara Dhan Sanchay Jeevan Bima plan from InsuranceDekho was that I got personalised advice at home. The team of InsuranceDekho visited my home and provided me with expert guidance.

    Sahara India
    By Piyush Chawla
    On: Sep 26, 2022
  • Online term calculator

    With the help of the online term calculator available on InsuranceDekho, I was easily able to calculate the premium of a number of plans available. I eventually bought the Sahara Dhan Sanchay Jeevan Bima plan as its premium matched my budget. 

    Sahara India
    By Mrinalini Singh
    On: Sep 20, 2022

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  • Why should I opt for Sahara India Life Insurance?

    You can pick your choice from a wide array of plans  from Sahara India Life Insurance, based on your preference and budgetary constraints. The plans are easy to afford, and the claim settlement ratio is high. 

  • What plans does Sahara India Life Insurance offer?

    Sahara India Life offers unit-linked plans, endowment plans, group insurance plans, and money-back plans.  

  • How can I pay the Sahara India Life Insurance premium?

    You can pay the Sahara India Life Insurance premium online through Internet banking, debit card, or credit cards. 

  • What is the claim settlement ratio of Sahara India Life Insurance?

    Sahara India Life Insurance had a claim settlement ratio of 90.16% in FY 2018-19.

  • What are the contact details of Sahara India Life Insurance?

    You can connect with Sahara India Life Insurance personnel using the toll-Free No: 1800-180-9000. Alternatively, you can email at