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What to Do With Your Term Life Insurance at the End of Term?

In order to get the most out of your term policy, it is important to keep in mind details like the expiry date of your policy. This is because once your policy has expired, you stop receiving life coverage from it. And in case an unfortunate event occurs during this time, your loved ones will not receive the financial protection they would have if your term insurance policy was active.

What Happens When Your Term Life Insurance Policy Expires? 

In order to avoid such a situation, here’s what you can do when your term policy reaches the end of its tenure.

  • Extend Your Insurance

Most term insurance policies have a long tenure. This means that you may keep your policy active by continuing the premium payments. This is a good option if you wish to keep your policy active for a short duration of two to three years. However, as you age, the costs of your policy premiums will go on increasing, if you extend the tenure.

  • Renew Your Insurance

This is the most feasible of the three options. Unlike earlier, today you are able to renew insurance online in a quick and hassle-free way. While you may still choose to renew your term policy offline, here’s why renewing your policy online will help you:

  • Convenience

When you renew insurance online, you have the flexibility and convenience of doing so at your own time and pace. There is no agent involved here. This means you save a lot of time. In addition to this, you have the option of making renewal payments via:

  • Internet banking
  • Credit cards
  • Debit cards
  • National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)
  • Electronic Clearing Services (ECS)
  • Cheques
  • Less chance of fraud

When you renew insurance online, you generally do so via your insurance provider’s website. This means you have access to all the accurate information. This ensures negligible chances of fraud.

  • Easier On The Pocket

Renewing your insurance policy online helps you save money. This is because not only are online insurance policies cheaper but also because you save on the commission, you will otherwise pay for an agent’s services.


It is essential to keep a tab on your term insurance policy’s maturity so that you are well-prepared in advance to either extend, convert, or renew your policy on time, depending on what you’re looking for.

Also Read: 

How is Term Insurance Premium Calculated?

Am I Eligible To Purchase A Term Insurance Plan?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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